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I stepped onto the snowy ground. I was back home. The South Pole had changed so much. Instead of a tiny village with small tents and very few inhabitants, there was a whole city with buildings made of ice and shops, stores, markets and everywhere was crowded with people from around the world.

When I walked through the market to get to the chiefs building, everyone crowded around me.

'Master katara!'

'She's so grown up!'

'Who is that, mommy?'

'She saved the world when she was your sisters age!'

'Marry me!'

I managed to get out of the crowd and into the office. I walked to a young man, couldn't be less than my age. 'Excuse me? Can you tell me where retired chief hakoda lives?' The man looked at me and his eyes went wide. ' I show you there? It's a big place now...follow me.'

We walked through the snow until he broke the silence. 'So, I'm are...?'

I looked at him with confusion until I realized he asked me what my name was. 'Oh! I'm katara.'

'Like, master katara? God I'm so stupid. How could I have not recognized you before? we are. I leave you to it.' He left me at a small house. Like a little cottage made out of ice. I knocked on the door. It opened to reveal my dad, about in his 50's, standing there.

'Dad! It so good to see you again!' As I hugged him tight.

'Why are you here? I thought you'd be in republic city with your brother.'

I looked down. 'I....I need to go take care of something.' And I turned away.


Our search for katara hadn't been successful so Sokka decided to go to the south to see if she was there. 

'Something on your mind, sparky?' Toph said from behind me.

'No. I'm fine.' I lied.

'Don't try.'

I sighed. 'Fine. It's katara. I'm really worried about her.'

'Don't worry. We'll find her.' She reassured. We docked at the outskirts of the tribe a few hours later. When we reached the southern water tribe, there was a commotion at the square. Sokka pushed through the crowd with me right behind him. 'What's going on here?'

I saw a man holding a whip behind a woman whose hands were tied to a pole. She wasn't wearing her coat and her dress was ripped on her back. The man whipped her again and she yelled in pain. Wait. It sounded like....katara.

'Wait! Stop!' I ran and pushed the guy off his feet and made him fall back. I ran to the woman and  confirmed that it was katara.

'Z-zuko? What a-are you d-d-doing he-here?' She shivered. I found her parka and gently put it one her. 'Let's get you to a healer.'


I lay in bed with the moonlight shining through the window. I couldn't sleep. I just had too many things on my mind. Am I still a monster? Was getting whipped really necessary? What was zuko doing here? Will I ever get over what I did? W- the flap of the tent suddenly opened and a big, tall figure stepped in. I gasped and looked for the nearest water source -other than his blood- and found a bowl of water non the bedside table.

'There won't be any need for that, katara.' His voice sent a chill through my spine.

'Who are you? And what do you want?' I tried sitting up straight to look more intimidating but my back sent a sharp pain throughout my whole body.

'I know why you needed a whipping. I just had to see it for myself.' I stared at him. He knew. He knew I was a bloodbender. 'Who are you?' I asked again.

'I'm your "partner" as you could say. One of your kind. A friend. Now, I want you to help me. My life hasn't been easy either and I need you to help me. I have two sons who can waterbend. But I need them to know how to bloodbend. Are you in? Or do you not care about the firelords life?' I froze. I didn't want to bloodbend again, let alone help someone learn how to. But I didn't want to risk zukos life in danger.

'You didn't answer my question.' I said sternly.

'You can call me Yakone.'

If you guys don't know who Yakone is, he's a character in the legend of korra who can bloodbend without a full moon *or his hands*. In republic city, he was trialed and found guilty. He and Aang had a little fight and in the end, Yakone got his bending taken away. He ran away to the north and started a new life with his wife and two sons. I thought it would be more interesting if he ran away to the south and force katara to teach his sons bloodbending. (Cus he dosent have his bending to teach them)

Hope your enjoying this story! 

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