Journey to the North

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I sat on my brothers polar bear dog with Kuzon in front of me and Iroh behind me. Tenzin was flying above us on his sky bison, Oogi, while my parents and toph were riding on Druk. Most of us were forced to escape while our warriors defended our tribe and held off the fire nation from getting to us.

I looked at the people and sighed. 'Hey, Tenzin?' And he tugged the reins and Oogi flew down. 'Is it okay if some people drop their luggage in Oogi's saddle?'

He nodded and landed on the snow. We helped people with their things so they wouldn't have to carry them all the way to the boats that would come for us. 'Kya? Why don't you come sit with me? I could really use the company.' Tenzin patted on an empty spot on top of Oogi's head. I jumped off Nini and Iroh scooted forward.

Once I sat next to him, I looked at Tenzin. 'So, where do you live?'

'I live at the Southern Air Temple not too far from here.'

'Then why are you here at the South Pole?' I questioned. He looked down.

'I wanted to run away from home.' He said sadly.

'What? Why?'

'Because my older brother, Bumi, is always on my case, saying how since I'm the last Airbender, I  have to stop goofing around and how I have to restart the air nomads culture.'

' brother can be a real idiot too. He always likes to brag and not to mention, he's the avatar.' I looked at Kuzon and rolled my eyes.

'Wait. He's the avatar?' Tenzin looked at Kuzon. 'Unfortunately, yes. It gives him more reasons to show off. "Hey there, guess what? I'm the avatar, master of all four elements and savior of the world!"' I mimicked my brother.

Tenzin pretended to look shocked. 'Oh my! Show me how it's done using all four kinds of elements!' He said in a high-pitched voice. I laughed.

'"Oh sorry, I don't know how to yet..."' We both laughed. He looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and looked into his grey eyes. A funny feeling came over me. Like butterflies in my stomach.

Did I like him?


'Zuko? What's wrong?' Katara asked as she looked down to where I was looking but looked back up at me.

I was looking at the airbender sitting next to Kya. 'I don't think I like the look he's giving her...'

'Who's giving what?' Toph asked from behind katara. 'And can we land? I don't like flying and you guys know it.'

We landed and dropped toph down on Nini, Kya's pet polar bear dog. I flew up again to scout ahead.

'What if they end up....together?' I shuddered at the memory.

'Ugh, zuko! We ended up together!'

'BUT THATS DIFFERENT! We started liking each other after a long period of time and trust. These two literally just met!' I argued.

'Spirits, zuko! Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that little mind of yours. He's Aangs kid! And he seems nice enough. Look at how they get along.'

'Whatever. Hey, look! We're at the shore! And is that...Sokka?' I pointed at five large water tribe boats and Sokka waving at us.

'Yeah, I sent the message to him with a code language. You know, just in case it got intercepted by the fire nation and they found us?'

I found her hand and squeezed it. 'I can't tell you how lucky I am to have a wife like you.'

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