A few years later...

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Katara's POV

I looked at the sky zooming past us. So much has changed. First, we were all grown up. I was 22 now and aang was 20. We were on our way to the southern air temple to rebuild it. Me and aangs relationship...well, let me tell you, it felt forced. There was no love in it whatsoever. But no matter how much I try to, I just can't pull up the strength to say no to him. Well, at least not now anyways.

'Sweetie, what do you think of moving to the southern air temple?' He asked as he pointed toward the ruins of his home.

'Uh...aang? I'm honestly not sure...'

'Huh? Somethings wrong. What's wrong katara?' He let go of the reins and made his way onto the saddle and sat beside me.

'I think I need some space for a bit.'

Aang was confused now. 'What? What do you mean?'

'I..' I felt tears forming in my eyes. 'I...cant do this anymore.'

'Do what anymore?'

'This. Us. How I'm always known everyone as "the avatars girl". How we have to travel all the time when I just want to settles down and start a life somewhere. I won't say I hated being with you but it was hard when we stayed somewhere together and the next morning, your halfway across the world. Ever since that started, I've been feeling this hollowness inside of me. I can't cry, love, miss, or do anything.' By now, appa had landed but neither of us moved from the saddle.

'How long have you felt this way? About knowing we weren't meant for each other during our relationship?'

'...since the tea shop.'

'So you never loved me?'

'I always saw you as a little brother than a boyfriend.'

He looked at me with sad eyes, jumped off appa and looked up at me.

'Since we don't have any reason to be together anymore, take appa. Go somewhere where you're happy. I'll call him back later.' He turned around and walked inside the temple.

I slowly turned my head away from the temple and toward the horizon.

'Yip yip appa.'


Zukos POV

This day could not be any worse.

I stormed out of the meeting room back to my bedroom. One of my advisors and I got into a mild...disagreement. But the good thing was that ty lee, the new leader of the kyoshi warriors, was coming to improve the security.

I walked to mai's room but before I could knock I heard noises. She wasn't alone in there. I suddenly heard loud moaning coming from the inside. I slowly opened the door to see Mai in bed. And next to her was ty lee. I've already seen enough.

'What the hell is going on here?!?!'

Both the girls gasped and scrambled in the sheets, trying to find their clothing. 'It's not what it looks like!' Shouted ty lee.

'So then what are you guys doing?!?!' I yelled. They just kept trying to find their clothes under the big sheets.

'Get. Out. Now!' I ordered as they were putting on their clothes. I walked outside and summoned some guards.

'Guards! Escort these two out of my palace. They are no longer welcome here.'

As they took Mai and ty lee away, I leaned against the wall, trying to process what had just happened. I just caught my fiancé sleeping with the new head of security. It was over between me and Mai. I was all alone now. Again.

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