#1 gEt To KnOw Me

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Hey there! I'm basically an online fanfiction writer, a not so popular one, ok, an unknown one. This is a place I scribble whatever hits me~ Enjoy reading this roller coaster of emotion on these random chapters.






Alice, a city girl, in her high school years. Not a famous student nor an 'A striker' in tests. Always in her bubble, minding her own business. She's known for her positive self, a girl who never meant harm to any. Smiling at people as if it was her best day. Everyone thought she was fine because she seemed strong and was being a shoulder to cry on. She is like a porcelain vase, white clean outside but soon her inner cracks were getting visible to eyes. Countless bandages to cover her freshly bleeding wounds yet certain some get to smell the dripping red liquid that's seeping through her flesh. Her threatening mind, convincing her to hide in the dark closet when each step creaks through the rusted wooden stairs. Certain words triggering her to go all weak to knees and heart-thumping hard to glad it didn't fall out of her chest, dancing her legs to run away yet when she knows it will never change anything. When she screams to freeze the disaster, it only encourages more to her. Those slaps echoing the four walls, one after another, too much to realise how many. It was never her fault to go through this, or was it? 

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