#2 FiRsT BrEaK

32 4 0

Year: 2020

"The Ministry of Education has announced that the school will be reopening soon on 15 July."

~My PoV~

I sighed in relief. Finally, after what seemed like forever all the students get to go to school. Yes, we think of school as a burden but at times we do miss it, right? It has been 4 months... The last time I remember was my school announcing the one week semester holiday for us and it dragged to 4 months because of the pandemic. All of my friends missed each other so much that we couldn't wait to see one another. But one thing hit across my mind. She will be coming too and there is no way I could not see her. I started panicking and even wished they would change their mind to keep the school closed for the time being. But who am I to decide? I started blabbering things to my friend, telling all kinds of "what if's" and getting trapped in my overthinking mind. As the twattles goes on, soon I saw myself waking up at 5 in the morning. The same phrases repeating in my mind for the nth time, "You're over it and there is nothing to be anxious about," and "Don't talk to her and avoid eye contact." Yes, the paranoid me was chanting this till I reached the school compound. I was indeed excited to know how things have changed and all of us adjusting to the new normal. The 1-meter gap between everyone and temperature checking to walk according to the arrows. It almost felt like I'm in a Hollywood movie, the only few who survived the apocalypse. (a/n: maybe I watched too many apocalypse movies. No, not the alien ones, I hate them!) After months of not climbing stairs really got me tired and near to faint but to my luck I reached my respected classroom with no harm. The moment I stepped in, of course, all eyes were on me. My friends greeted me cheerfully and since it was the first day, we were strictly ordered to be placed in our coordinated desks. To my surprise, I ignored her successfully. It felt impossible... But one thing, no matter how much you want to ignore them, deep down you know you will reach them. If I didn't, she will and she did after a few days. I guess both of us needed time despite those 4 months. I really don't want to recall it though, those months were tremendous.

P.S: this was an old draft...

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