~As We AgE~

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I just love how our huge arguments turn into compromisation as we age. Treating each other with care after work with a cup of tea and massage. How the first person to share whatever happened is to each other. Clearing our path and giving clarity when we're lost in the mid-journey. The small compliments mean the world or the random appreciation made after all the hard work. When you wait calmly for me till I choose the dress I love the most even if it takes hours and how you're sure whatever I pick for you would be the best. The little details we know about each other of our likes and dislikes. We hold and support each other from falling not to matter even in the lowest point.  I love how you would help me with things I can't reach or when you have to run up to stores multiple times because I forgot to buy them and never complain about it. When you know my cravings and get me food I wanted unexpectedly as if we telepath. Are these the reason I fell for you? Is this what we call love? Because this looks as beautiful as love is described. You guide me and stay by my side all the way till I reach my destination, my dear soulmate. Imagining a life without you is like the memories I lived disappearing in the blink of an eye. So, why not be with me till the end?

A/N:  my parents were the inspiration for me to write this. It's their story <3 

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