#6 ImPoSsIbLe YoU

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the morning I search for,
the sunset I long for,
the night I wish for,
it's always been you.

the days where my life felt a waste of existence,
you showered love and care like no other,
you are an angel with invisible wings,
the wound healed by your touch,
turned into blooming flowers now.

I couldn't really say how you did this,
is it your little magic trick?
tell me more for me to know,
you seem a lot mysterious,
the spark of light to my dark tunnel.


My feet gripping on the wet sand, trying to stay put despite the waves stumbling my steps. I felt the wind through me, taking my soul away together; floating in the air. Sea waves rushing to me in the hope to bring me to the deepest ocean. Among the thousand stars, even if I wish on each of them to go with him, I can't. We don't belong in each other's world. Just like the ocean I can't near, he can't be here in the land. A mistake, a fault has been made by our blinding love. Now, we end up here; mountains, skies and oceans keeping us apart from our fingers to touch. Even after finding you, you're still unreachable. Your Atlantic blue eyes watching me from afar as I feel the absence of you filling in me. The grief of your gone blurring my vision. Unable to let go of the grip on your hand that's just clutching air now. As a season, you passed through my life.

You, the impossible to my eyes and forever one. The desire I can only see and admire but never savour.

A/N: was listening to a young priestess falling in love with a greek god playlist.... it made me write this~

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