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"Stay..... I really think we're more than just good friends, one shot can change everything." Is after all that I wish to say but I know I wouldn't even be able to utter the first word. Who am I to convince a feeling that was never there to even begin with? It's like asking the sky to rain diamonds unless it's Saturn and his heart is just isn't one to do so.  Let it be a hundred, I'd still look for the one and I thought you were the single penny I go walks for just to come across you and take you as my lucky charm. Though it might sound childish, that's just how my heart is; it's so stubborn to not leave where it doesn't belong, hoping for yours to come in the realization that it's meant to be and not just a random infatuation. It's holding onto the pole even when the wind screams its way out. It's so stubborn that it believes you'll come back..... 

"Don't leave me...." What is this invisible friction I feel towards you when we've never even met eyes to eyes in the physical? Am I just like the others who you pull towards? Before this, I felt like our worlds were connected with the strongest bridge. But now, half the bridge vanished and we only communicate with waves. They lied, it was never strong, it isn't made by the finest string of red right from the matchmade, it was never built with blocks of hope from both sides, it was a scam, only to me... 

"I have to let go..." I really thought we had something but I guess it's just all in my head, tripped the reality for you in the hope to reconnect with you. Now, I'm finally out from cloud 9 instead of on a thundery one this time. I'm trying my best to look on the brighter side so much that it's a wild imagination no one reaches to satisfy my heart. Today, I lost the very bit of hope I had for your return. Someone else has had your soft spot as you had mine yet I will always wish the best for you and to become your better self.

(My dad was surprised when he heard me singing old songs which I REFUSE so badly before this....)

A/N: are we done with this story? Maybe...

(Also I didn't expect myself to come back to this song for the same reason, this gonna play on loop from now on~)

The main root that weighs me down,
The communication I have with the people,
I have to let go of,
And when I try to move on,
You hold onto the loose string and say 'hi'.
If we just get to stop saying 'nightss',
Maybe there'll come a day where I won't think of you,
Before I'm off to sleep....which is rare.

Ok, bye. Happy Valentine's Day y'all <3

Spill MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora