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"Dear You" she started, "I know things have been off lately now and we seem to be so far away when we used to have at least one small convo every day." She wanted to write more, tell him how she felt throughout the distance that fell between them and how she wasn't fine with it.

-I felt drained with every hour passing.

She continued to write, "Just so you know, I'm always here for you and if you feel down, I hope my hug will give the warmth you needed and make you feel at home." Again, she had more to say but was afraid it might be too cliche.

-I'll make you a hot tea and we can cuddle on the couch we got for Christmas and chill with our favourite romance movie.

But she knows everyone knows it's all in her head, she made a fool of herself. She didn't mind, she proceeds with "I wonder if that song and those very lines remind you of me. I can't help but think how your day was and if you are ok while I wouldn't even have crossed your mind for once, I'm just any other to you, right?"

-the synchronicities really drive me crazy at one point cause I want you off my thought but here I am writing a letter to you.

As she chose to draw lines in cursive just like how she folds with every possible presence of him, "It feels off, I'm not used to this but it seems like you are cool with it. Is this what you wanted all along? You must be glad that you're done with me now. Yet, deep down I did wish I meant a little more than the others, especially stood out to your eyes."

-I had you at a pedestal but guess it's time to see me there.

She paused with the tip of the ink pen leaking at one spot, her mind got clouded with every single thing she wanted to forget to the point she forgot certain memories won't erase even with time's medication. She saw how the letter was getting worse with every line she recite altogether. Finally, she scratched real hard on the last line, bold and dark, "I assume this is where our path forks, we shall leave it to the universe to decide until then our fate just had a crossroad when we faced as the two-way mirror.

See, I liked you,

And maybe even loved you,

Without knowing I misplaced my bookmark,

On the 3/4 part of the book that writes 'those' three words,

While the rest of 4 chapters taught me more,

That it's better to let go of you than to lose myself,

I just love me too much....(than I ever did on you)

A/N: letting go......what's the point in waiting for tho lol

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