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Who are you? You came by like the wind, slamming the windows; my heart. You were the rain that cleansed the haze in my mind. The smiley face I draw on my wrist. The comforting song I listen to at 3 am. Still, you make a mess of me. When I think it's all an admiration and nothing more, you give me more reason to cross my own line.

I love how the universe resonates with my emotions. The sky sang my sorrows away on my behalf with its beautiful crystal drizzles, cleansing the dark mist that's tying my veins in knots. How insane can this ever get? I liked someone I'd never met, it's funny how I was so sure I will never dip my leg into these things while I drowned in no time. 

10 AUG 2020, of course, I remember the first time we talked. It was all casual then until 6 SEPT 2021. The one post where we started talking more. It was about Crime Documentary and you suggested crime podcasts. The flow started from there and without knowing we became pretty close and good online friends. Never ask me where these whole sudden feelings started cause I'm clueless myself from when this happened within me.

It all hit when I found myself getting all excited for no reason by just seeing your name pop up in my notifications, crazy, isn't it? It cheered me in no sense, it brought butterflies flying in me. The never-ending cloud 9 I was in, even for a short while felt worth it. Because it's you after all. I was thinking of every possible way although there's no chance to. I felt my cheeks turning red and flamed by your voice. ( It has always been the voice~) The constant updates on what we're on about meant a lot to me. I loved how you became my comfort zone, the one who brought me out of the shell. I forget my insecurities whenever we're talking. You were indeed a magic spell to speak my mind. Funny how I thought I could be selfish for once for myself and keep you close to me. It was never your looks or fame, it was wholely JUST you. I l(o)ved you for who you are despite flaws. I think that's what they call love is. 

You are my evanescent, the sunset that brings beauty to the clouds, the one that fades slowly by darkness and the one I wish to see the next evening. As I said, I can go through chapters about you and I wish I knew you more to write more than 500 words paragraphs. Thank you for the friendship, I will cherish them by heart. And I still wonder to ever come across another you.....

A/N: Finally, this old draft is coming to an end now...

(this chapter is fully about admiring someone, might have chapter 2 for this)

I wish you were here on my rainy days,

To bring the rainbows  in my puddles,

I wish you were the unwrapping gift,

I longed for ever since you caught my eyes,

I wish you were the sun I tan for,

The one I wait seasons to meet,

Even though when it's cold winter in my heart,

I hold on for you to melt my worries away,

And as I wish you to stay by my side,

I know I'll burn to ashes...

(you asked me to write, here you go, I did.) 

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