Mother Oikawa

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I've always been alone, no siblings, parents abandoned me and left me with the house and money, was married but soon divorced after I caught him cheating with his ex.Now I'm a 23 year old famous fashion designer but no one knows my face except for my company and I'm gonna adopt some kids.I've haven't met the kids yet but I'm sure I'll find some that will fill that empty space in me.

I decided to go to the orphanage at the other end of town, the building wasn't too big but it also looked nice.As soon as I walked in I was greeted by the lady I spoke to on the phone."You must be Oikawa Toru, correct?"She asked ina stern voice which surprised me."Ah yes, that is me."I replied as she just smiled."I see that you have a age preference of 3 and older."She stated as I just noded."Well most of the kids are outside but some are in their rooms.Feel free to wander around and come back here when you find what you want."She said as she handed me a map incase I got lost.She turned back to whatever she was doing and I just walked off.I think I'll go outside first then check out the other kids.As I stepped into the fenced off yard I noticed there where kids everywhere, some running around.There was a group of kids who caught my eye though, they weren't playing like the rest more like relaxing as if they haven't been outside in a while and just wanted to take it in.I walked over to them to notice one was about 7 while the other two were about 4 or 5."Hello."I greeted as I caught their attention.The older one stepped in front of them as if to protect them."I'm Oikawa Toru, and you are?"I asked as I held out my hand to the boy, he looked puzzled at it then shook it uneasily."I'm Kyoutani, that's Kageyama and that's Kunimi."He stated as he pointed to the two almost look alikes but you could easily tell the difference, but now that I got a closer look at them I could see all three were related."Nice to meet you."I said as he dropped my hand and let the other two see me."Hi!"Kageyama exclaimed excitedly as Kunimi just yawned."Hi kiddo."I greeted back as he ran right up to me and hugged me.My heart melted when he did, I hugged back then lifted him up on my shoulders."Woah!"He exclaimed as he looked at how high he is up."Are you siblings?"I asked Kyoutani as he noded, they most likely wanted to be adopted together."We have another sibling, Watari."He stated as I smiled.I could handle four kids."Where's your brother at now, I want to meet him."I asked as I fel Kunimi tug on my pant leg silently asking to be held."I'll get him, wait here."He stated then ran off to the house as I picked Kunimi up."Are you gonna adopt us?"Kageyama asked as I lowered him down onto my other hip mirroring Kunimi."I think I will."I replied as Kageyama's smile grew wider.I could feel Kunimi's smile as I said that but before anything else could happen Kyoutani returned with a 2 year old who was hugging his side like he was a giant teddy bear.The boy had cute puffy cheeks and had his hair grown out so it reached his shoulders."Well hello cutie."I stated as he babled happily as he stumbled to walk a bit to me.I could tell he had a few issues with walking and talking but he was still adorable as crap.I put the other two down so I could pick up him, he immediately snuggled into my arms."Well let's go to the front desk, shall we?"I asked as I could see Kyoutani's nervously most likely from the fear of being separated from his siblings.I noticed Kunimi was basically falling asleep while walking so I pulled him up and onto my hip as we walked."I see you found some kids."The lady at the desk said as she eyes my arms that had the two kids."I did, four to be exact."I said as I gestured to the other two that couldn't be seen from the desk."Ah, are you sure you can handle four kids?"She asked as she looked through a file which I assumed is my file."I'm more than sure."I replied with a smile as I felt the two on the ground hold onto my pants tightly."Ok well here's the paperwork that you need to fill out then you can take them home after you collect their items."She stated as I was handed a big fat pile if papers, fun."Thank you."I said as she called the boys over that were able to collect their things while I seated the other two on me as I sat down and filled out paperwork.After about 30 minutes of torture I was finally done and the boys had their belongings infront of my feet, Kyoutani packed Watari's and Kunimi's things.I handed the lady the papers before she gave me ok to take them home."Well let's go kids."I stated excitingly as I picked up two bags that were awfully light.I buckled them all in before we drove to my house.

"Woah!"Kageyama exclaimed as the gates to my house opened and revealed the big house to them."Your house is so big!"He stated excitingly as I just laughed."It's your house too."I stated as he just got more excited.I found out none of them had allergies so I hope they like animals."Now before we go in I do own a dog and a cat.Are any of you scared of them?"I asked as they all looked confused."What's a cat?"Kunimi asked as Kageyama noded."You'll see."I replied as I let them free of their seatbelts and carried Watari, he fell asleep during the ride.I opened the door to be greeted with Labrador Retriever sitting patiently by the door."This is Daisy."I said as the kids looked at her in amazement.I walked in with them following like ducklings as I put Watari down on the couch and covered him with a blanket.I turned around to see the kids petting Daisy expect for Kunimi he was petting Jackie my cat."That's Jackie."I stated as I pointed to the cat."Come on, I'll show you the rooms."I stated as I carefully picked up Watari then headed up the stairs with them following."Kunimi and Kageyama this is your room."I stated as I opened the door to a room that was fairly plain and has two twin beds in each corner.Kageyama immediately jumped onto one of the beds claiming it while Kunimi just walked to the other one and layed down."Thank you mommy!"Kageyama yelled as he snuggled in the blankets."Mommy?"I questioned as Kageyama just sheepishly smiled."Can I call you that?"He asked as I just smiled."I don't care what you call me, mommy, daddy, papa, I don't care.Whatever you want to."I stated as he just smiled."Well I guess I'll show you your room next."I told Kyoutani as he noded.I walked to the room across the hall to my old room, the ceiling was covered in glow in the dark stars, the walls were coated with paintings of planets or space."This is my old room, now your room.We can change it if you want."I said as he just shook his head but you could see the smile he had when he looked around the room."I like it."He stated as I just smiled.He wandered around the room a bit before going to play with my alien figurines I had."I'll be in the room with the double doors next to yours."I said before going to my room and setting Watari on my bed.I really needed to go to the attic to get the crib and the baby gate.I opened the door that lead me to the attic where I put everything that I didn't need or want to see.As I was looking for the gate I noticed a box of pictures laying around.I pulled up a photo album before sitting down and flipping through the photos of when my parents were with me.I smiled when I saw how happy I was and how they had smiles on their faces and not a disappointed look.Before I knew it tears started falling down my face as I kept looking through the pictures."Are you ok?"I heard Kyoutani ask me as I looked up to see him standing by the door of the attic."I'm fine just looking at old photos."I replied as I wiped my tears before putting back the photo album."What happened to them?"Kyoutani asked as I just smiled."They left me 7 years ago because I loved someone they didn't like."I replied as I spotted the gate I needed next to the crib."Why didn't they like them?"He asked curiously as he moved closer to where I was."They didn't like him because they were a man."I stated as his face lit up in surprise."What's wrong with that?"He asked curiously as I just smiled."There is nothing wrong with that.You can love who you want.But they didn't like that I liked the same gender.Some people are like that but you can't let them bring you down."I told him as he just hugged me.I hugged him back before letting go."Now let's go get this gate up before your brother wakes up."I stated as I pulled the crib and gate out of where it was and took the gate.I followed him down the stairs before being met with the three standing there."How about we go downstairs and I'll make lunch?"I asked as they noded.I picked Watari up before following the other three down the stairs, I put on the gate at the bottom of the steps immediately after I put Watari down.My house was already baby proof so there was no worries.I immediately started on lunch as soon as I entered the kitchen.

I hope you enjoyed!

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