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This is a omegaverse.

"Coach where are our jerseys at?" Hinata asked as he noticed that most of the members jerseys were missing from their lockers. "In you lockers." He replied before he left the locker room. "Who else is missing their jersey?" Meian asked as almost everybody raised their hand. "I'm missing my extra shirts." Inunaki stated as the team went blank. "Who was the last person in the locker room yesterday?" Hinata asked. " Atsumu was." Bokuto told them as he threw on a extra shirt he had. "Throw on a extra shirt you have or if you have your jersey wear it. Looks like we are paying a visit to the absent setter." Meian said as everyone followed his instructions. "I'm gonna kill Atsumu." Sakusa mumbled under his breathe as he threw on his extra shirt.

Atsumu knew he shouldn't have taken clothes from his teammates but any familiar scents in his nest had disappeared including his brother's. He needed to have some sort of familiar scent from his pack. He usually stole things they wouldn't notice missing like a t-shirt they forgot about or he would make the team come over to his bedroom when their scents faded. Their scents usually stuck to the couch pillows or blankets that they used on movie nights so he sometimes took those too. All their scents calmed him down and made him very happy. Without any familiar scents in his nest he would go on a rampage looking for some which is exactly what happened. His mood changed dramatically when he was out of scents in his nest especially since he didn't have a alpha. If he had a alpha their scent alone would be enough.

Atsumu was happily curled up in his nest purring before a knock on his door interrupted his peaceful time. "Come in!" He shouted as he snuggled more into his nest inhaling the different scents of his teammates. He didn't want to leave his nest just yet. The team behind the door opened it revealing Atsumu in his nest on his bed. Their jerseys and spare shirts were woven into the nest of blankets and other shirts. They were astonished to see how Atsumu accepted them as family. He was still happily purring in his nest when he was approached by Meian. "Atsumu you consider us as family?" Meian asked as Atsumu noded. It was rare for omegas to accept any alphas and betas as family that weren't blood related. The whole teams hearts melted when Atsumu noded. "Why did you take our jerseys and extra shirts?" Hinata asked as Atsumu sat up in the nest. "My nest ran out of your scents and my brothers. When I don't have any scent left I go on a rampage looking for some." He explained as the team listened. "We need our jerseys back for the practice game Tomorrow." Sakusa stated as Atsumu's face shifted to a sad one. "How about we each scent a random shirt for you. Does that work?" Inunaki suggested as Atsumu noded excitedly. Atsumu pulled out unscented shirts in his nest and gave each member of the team one. Each member of the team scented the shirts throughly before handing them back to the omega who was releasing a lot of happy pheromones into the air. "Thank you." He stated before crawling back into his nest. "Whenever you need our scent just tell us. We'll be happy to scent something for you." Hinata stated before Bokuto jumped excitedly. "Now let's go watch movies!" He shouted before sprinting out the door with Hinata right behind him. The rest of the team followed including the omega. The team was beyond happy about being accepted as family by the blonde omega.

I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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