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Oikawa was not prepared for that week.The week were he felt alone completely.

Right before he headed to school his parents decided that by the end of the night he would be out of the house completely.He basically got kicked out.All because his little sister faked him hurting her.She was a little bitch but he couldn't stop himself from still loving her.He hoped that Iwaizumi would somehow cheer him up but Iwaizumi was not in sight at all when he exited the house.No Iwa~chan waiting for him at all.This has been happening for a couple of days now, Iwaizumi would walk to school without him and act like he didn't exist at all.He walked slowly alone to school for another time this week.His thoughts always got the best of him, he soon spaced out all the time."Oikawa.Are you listening?"Makki asked as he slowly looked at him.Afraid that he would burst out crying he just simply shook his head yes even though that obviously wasn't true."So do you think I should ask him out?"Makki asked as Oikawa smiled as true as he could but it didn't look the same as it used to."You should."He replied before Makki thanked him then ran off.He sighed in relief before walking to a class he shared with Iwaizumi.Oikawa didn't try to make contact with his boyfriend and best friend.Instead he sat down in a seat and stared at the window all throughout class.The class noticed nothing, not even the teacher did.No one noticed how Oikawa's face glistened with tears nor how his eyes were brimmed with red.After a few more classes it was lunch break and he didn't want to face his team at all, so he sat in a empty classroom just staring at the wall.He had a lunch packed but he didn't have the energy to eat."Hey loser."Somebody stated behind him before he heard the door lock."Not gonna talk?Fine I'll make you beg for me to stop."He replied as Oikawa just looked at the man.He was one of the bullies he had.One thing was different this time, instead of the usual beatings he decided to rape him.Even through all this he didn't say a word, no tears were shed.He was simply to tired to do anything.The guy left and Oikawa got up and redressed slowly.He was in pain physically and mentally.He could barely walk due to the fact that the dude jumped on his bad knee.He limped out of the classroom and decided on leaving school.He walked down the old dirt road by his house occasionally falling and scrapping some body part but he got right back up.His head was pounding as he reached his destination.It was a cave that he went to when things in his life were messed up and no one knew it existed.He slumped down the cave wall and tried to let tears out but he had no tears left to cry.His mind flashed through every little thing that happened today.Like how no one noticed he wasn't alright, not one single person.He wanted to punch himself.He thought people actually cared about him but where were those people now?Probably laughing with their friends or family members not remembering him at all.No one cared at all.He noticed the sun slowly disappearing and darkness replacing it.He didn't bother trying to get up, he wouldn't have a place to go anyway.He just sat there watching how the stars twinkled in the now night sky.He could hear them telling him to get up right now but he just smiled.He couldn't get up he had no energy and his knee still throbbed.His knee was bruised badly making it a ugly purple.He couldn't call for help even if he wanted to because he ditched his phone at school.He was fine all alone, no one that will pretend they care.Only himself.He couldn't sleep since it was really cold in shorts and a t-shirt but he smiled through it.His vison was getting blurry before he was out like a light.

He sat in that cave for almost two days.He didn't feel any emotions.Sure if he stayed for another day he would probably die but he didn't care.If he died he wouldn't have to deal with life.He felt numb.His body felt numb and his emotions did.He didn't have the strength to even lift his hand or even wiggle a finger.He knew he was dying but he didn't care anymore.If he died it meant no more suffering.He opened his eyes the best he could but he couldn't really see anyway, everything was blurry.He looked down a bit to his body, he was beyond pale except for his bruised knee and the small cuts that littered his body.He could hear the stream nearby clearly.He closed his eyes again and thought he could hear Iwaizumi's voice yelling at him.He opened his eyes when he heard running around him.He saw Iwaizumi running torwards him."Oikawa!"He yelled as Oikawa just blinked."Oikawa!Can you hear me?"He asked as he kneeled down in front of him.Oikawa tried to move his head to nod but he just fell forward.He braced himself for impact but he didn't hit the ground, instead he was in Iwaizumi's arms.Iwaizumi scooped him up bridal style quickly and started to run.Oikawa's vision was slowly going black so Iwaizumi sped up.He felt how cold and limp his boyfriend was.He fought tears that came to his eyes.He gently put Oikawa in the passenger seat before driving off.He was pretty sure he had speed almost all the way there.He ran into the hospital with Oikawa in his arms.The nurses quickly made him follow them to a room.People rushed into the room as Oikawa was hooked up to different things immediately.He watched horrified.One of the nurses pushed him out of the room and left him in the hall.His world was crashing down.He quickly called Oikawa's parents and their teammates.After he sat down.

He sat for hours before a nurse told him he could see him.He quickly rushed into the room to see Oikawa asleep.The nurse told him that he was seriously dehydrated and almost dead.His knee was seriously injured and he was raped.Not to mention he lost a lot of blood from the cuts on him.He pulled up a chair next to Oikawa before gently taking his hand.It was still a bit cold but much warmer than before.Tears made thier way down his face again as he looked at his boyfriend.He felt guilty.He ignored him for what?A challenge.He wasn't there when Oikawa needed him most.He broke a promise.He hated himself for it.

It's been a couple hours.His family came explaining how he was getting kicked out today and Iwaizumi definitely had a opinion on the matter.He wanted nothing to do with Oikawa's family after that even if they apologized and shed tears.He watched Oikawa for any signs of movement.

He finally awoke.His brown eyes didn't sparkle anymore."Iwa~chan?"He questioned before coughing up a storm.Iwaizumi quickly grabbed a glass of water and helped him drink it."Where am I?"He asked as he looked around the room."Hospital."Iwaizumi replied before hugging him tightly."I'm sorry."He said as he let tears fall.Oikawa hugged back but not tightly  due to the fact his strength wasn't at full."Why did you ignore and avoid me?"Oikawa asked as Iwaizumi inhaled his familiar scent."It was a challenge Mattsun and Makki made me do.I'm sorry I wasn't there."Iwaizumi replied before he felt Oikawa inhale his scent."It's not your fault."Oikawa whispered against his neck."But it is.If I hadn't done the stupid challenge none of this would have happened."Iwaizumi replied back as hot tears streaked down his face.Oikawa swiftly pulled Iwaizumi's head into his hands.Iwaizumi avoided his eyes."Hajime, look me in the eyes."Oikawa whispered as Iwaizumi did as told.He expected Oikawa's eyes to be filled with hate or something else bad but instead they were full of love."I'm fine, ok?I'm not dead.Please don't blame yourself."He stated as Iwaizumi just looked down."But it is my fault.If-"He was cut off by Oikawa pulling his eyes to meet his."It is not your fault.I was just having a bad week.Sure you may have been a bit in the wrong but I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for you finding me."Oikawa stated as he kissed the tears away on Iwaizumi's cheeks.Iwaizumi leaned into his touch finally and stopped protesting.Oikawa pulled the male down on his chest making sure to avoid moving too much.The shorter male relaxed in his touch and snuggled further into his chest.Iwaizumi was trying his best to stay awake but the hand running through his hair and the warm heat he was pressed against made it impossible to do so."Goodnight Hajime.I love you."Oikawa whispered in his ear."Love you too."Iwaizumi mumbled back as he let the tiredness of today sink away knowing Oikawa was safe.

I hope you enjoyed!

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