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Tsukishima would never admit it to anyone, but he loved the freckles that covered his boyfriends body. He loved mentally connecting them like a dot to dot. The freckles were everywhere on the green head's body, you could not find a single body part without any.

This lead them to where they were now. Tsukishima was connecting the freckles on Yamaguchi's back with the tip of his finger while Yamaguchi was giggling because he was ticklish on his back. Tsukishima even held a smile as he watched his boyfriend giggle because of him.

This occurred everyday when Tsukishima came over. "Come on Tsuki you promised to take me out today." Yamaguchi whined as he tried to wiggle out of Tsukishima's hold. "Give me a few minutes more." He replied hoping to convince his lover. "No more minutes.I want to go out now." Yamaguchi stated before finally escaping Tsukishima's grip. "Alright fine.Let's go." Tsukishima uttered before getting off the bed.

He lead Yamaguchi out the door by his hand, dragging him to wherever he decided to take them. Once on the sidewalk Tsukishima wasn't pulling Yamaguchi anymore, instead they were strolling with a matched pace. Yamaguchi trailed his eyes all around the streets they walked through looking at the little and enormous buildings that little the side of the sidewalk.

The sky was a bright baby blue representing a perfect day to be outside. People crowded the streets, excited to get out of their homes that they were held captive in because of the rain they received yesterday.

Tsukishima admired his boyfriend's bright smile as they walked through their city. His own mouth curved a bit before he decided to stop in front of a little shop.

In the shop window was different clothes that he deemed his boyfriend's style. "Let's go in." Tsukishima told Yamaguchi before they entered the small shop with they sound of a bell ringing, alerting whoever owned the store of their presence. "Good morning boys.What can I do for ya?" A little old lady greeted them behind the counter. "Just looking for now." Tsukishima replied back as the lady smiled at them. "If you want to try something on the dressing rooms are in the far right corner." She pointed out before averting her attention back to the news that was playing on the old little tv on the counter.

Yamaguchi wondered first before winding up in a sweater section while Tsukishima looked at shirts. Yamaaguchi found a light green sweater with long sleeves. He checked the size before deciding to pick it up to try on.

He peeked a eye at Tsukishima before he kept searching. A gray sweater with light yellow stripes every few inches caught his attention. It was the perfect size for him. He decided those two items were enough and walked over to Tsukishima who held a t-shirt that had a cat on it. "Do you wanna try them on?" Tsukishima asked Yamaguchi as he just shook his head.
"I don't think that will be needed tsuki.I think they will fit me." Yamaguchi stated before receiving a nod. They both walked over to the counter to pay.

Next stop was a icecream stand in the park. Tsukishima ordered their icecream, already knowing what both of them wanted. They sat down on a old bench that viewed the little pond that was invested with life of all kinds.

Frogs hopped about the edge of the water in the weeds, fish let off bubbles near the surface as they swam, weeds coated the edge of the pond like hairs on a person's head, and in the middle of the pond was a big lily pad that had a pink flower resting on top of it. Everything looked so beautiful and perfect in their eyes.

The birds in the trees chirped alerting them of the darkness that was soon to cover the sky. Yamaguchi's head was soon found it's rightful place on Tsukishima's shoulder. Both boys had a faint blush spread across their faces, but it was not acknowledged.

The two lovers were watching the pond closely, they watched how the animals greeted eachother in their own way, they watched the weeds dance in the little breeze that flew in the sky, they watched the sky's baby blue color turn into a purplish pink that faded into a blackish purple.

The sunset was reflecting golden colors on their faces making them look almost if they were gold themselves. Tsukishima's turned his head to look at Yamaguchi, how he glowed in what little sunlight that was left, that smile that never failed to make him copy it, the little dots that stood out so much more now. He could only describe his boyfriend in one word, perfect.

Everything about him was absolutely perfect, there was no part about him he would change. Yamaguchi noticed Tsukishima admiring him. It caused him to add a little more red to his face. He loved when Tsukishima admired him even if he was embarrassing.

"Your so gorgeous Yams. "Tsukishima stated randomly making Yamaguchi hide his red face in Tsukishima's shoulder. "Don't hide your face." Tsukishima said before pulling Yamaguchi's pale face torwards his own. Their foreheads touched in a lovely passion that they shared with eachother, being in love.

Their lips finally met in what felt like their first kiss, it was gentle, long, and full of  a feeling both reciprocated torwards the other, love. Being in love was what they shared the most, they couldn't deny how strong their feelings were or how they just fit perfectly together like two puzzle pieces. They parted lips for a much needed breathe before they were wrapped in eachother's arms. They felt safe, loved, and happy.

Happiness was always shared between them when they were together. The sky was now starry and black. The lights in the park were turned on and were dimmed making the stars still visible. "Tsuki look!" Yamaguchi cried out as he pointed to a shooting star that crossed the star followed by many more. They stared in aw at the little show that littered the sky in bright colors .A wish was shared between both of them. I wish that what is between us will last forever. Their eyes never left the sky until it was over, but even the normal night sky was a sight to see.

I hope you enjoyed!

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