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Bokuto was waiting patiently at the dinner table waiting for his husband to arrive home from work but he didn't show.He got up and put away the food in the fridge not bothering to eat anything because his appetite had disappeared.It was the third time this week Akaashi had missed dinner and he was sick of it.He knew that it wasn't really Akaashi's fault instead his boss's but that didn't stop him from feeling hurt.He still did go into his emo mode a few times here and there but it was a lot less then in high school.Now was one of those times.He grumbled about how Akaashi didn't love him as he made his way to their shared bed.He knew he should probably take a shower but he was too upset to care.He was leaving for a match tomorrow for a few days so he wanted to spend his last day with his Akaashi.He even prepared a special dinner tonight because of that reason.He huffed as he fell onto the bed that smelled like himself and Akaashi.He didn't really want to smell his scent right now so he went to the guest room.The guest room smelled like apples and cinnamon due to the air freshener in it.The smell always reminded Bokuto of his mother who never failed to make him happy with apple dumplings.He missed his mother dearly since he moved away from her.Now if he wanted to see her he would have to drive a few hours but where he was headed tomorrow for the match was near his mother's house so she was bound for a visit.He curled up on the bed before falling peacefully asleep.

Akaashi knew Bokuto wasn't gonna be happy when he got home, he never is when he is late.He quietly opened the door to see no Bokuto in sight which was unusual.He carefully set down his things and made his way to their room to find no trace of Bokuto either.He turned around and walked into the guest room to find Bokuto curled up on the bed facing the door alseep.He sighed before walking over to his husband.Bokuto never came in here to sleep unless he was upset or in his emo mode.He rubbed his cheek gently before Bokuto unconsciously leaned into the touch making his heart melt.Akaashi sighed before walking to the kitchen to find something to eat.As he expected Bokuto put his dinner in a plastic reheatable container.As he took his out he noticed the other plastic container filled with the same meal that was completely untouched.He knew there was a few rimes Bokuto wouldn't eat all his dinner so he put in a container but there was always some eaten.He pulled both containers out to reheat before setting a timer.As they reheated he walked to his husband to wake him up.He gently shook him trying to wake him up but to no avail."Bo.Hunny get up."Akaashi whispered in Bokuto's ear waking the sleeping boy.Bokuto slowly opened his eyes to see Akaashi kneeling down to his level before turning to face the wall."Bo please."Akaashi said but Bokuto didn't move.He didn't want to see Akaashi right now which lead to him pouting while trying to act angry.Akaashi decided to crawl on the bed to reach his lover."Go away."Bokuto stated quietly when he felt Akaashi near."Baby please.I know your not the happiest with me right now but you need to eat.You need energyfor tomorrow. "Akaashi said as he pulled the blankets slowly off Bokuto to insure he wouldn't go back to sleep.Bokuto thought it was a bit sweet that he always put him rather then himself first.Bokuto didn't fight back so that was a good sign.The timer went off in the kitchen showing that the food was reheated."Come on Bo please?"Akaashi asked as Bokuto grumbled before getting up.Akaashi took that as a sign and walked out assuming he would be followed.Akaashi set the food down on the table with some utensils before Bokuto came.The whole dinner was silent expect for the sound of them chewing their food, it very unpleasant.Bokuto finished eating first.He put the dirty dishes in the sink before walking into the bathroom to finally shower.Akaashi finished a few minutes after Bokuto and decided to do the dishes while waiting for his lover to get out of the shower.When Bokuto came out he followed him to their room.Bokuto reluctantly slipped into the bed.Akaashi followed his actions and was in the bed too."Bo.Can we talk?"Akaashi asked as Bokuto just remained facing the opposite direction of him but he saw him shift a bit so he knew he was listening."I'm sorry I missed dinner again.My boss made me stay late to make up for the work I'll be missing."He stated as Bokuto turned to look at him."What work you'll be missing?"He asked as Akaashi smiled.It was supposed to be a surprise but oh well.Akaashi thought."I took a couple days off so I could watch your match then plan to visit your mother afterword since I know you miss her."He said as Bokuto pulled him into a bone crushing hug.He of course returned the hug as he felt Bokuto shove his head in Akaashi's neck inhaling his scent."Thank you."Bokuto whispered as Akaashi just patted his head."You welcome.Now let's sleep.You have to be energized for tomorrow so you can make me proud again."Akaashi told Bokuto as the owl look alike smiled."I'll always make Akaashi proud."He replied before he was falling asleep.Akaashi knew that Bokuto had forgiven him.He too fell into a deep slumber waiting for the next days events.

I hope you enjoyed!

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