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Being married to Iwaizumi while living in his dream house with his dream family was not how Oikawa expected things to go after graduation, but he sure was enjoying it.

Oikawa woke to the sound of what was pure silence but was soon interrupted by his lover's snore.He loved mornings like these, peaceful mornings until the kids woke up.He slipped out of bed before watching his husband skirm around to grab a pillow to replace his warmth.He laughed slightly before walking to the kitchen after almost tripping on the stairs because one of the dog's toys was laying on a step.He started the coffee pot before deciding to look through the fridge.Normally he made Japanese food but today he decided on a American dish, waffles with eggs.He liked experimenting with different recipes from different cultures.He pulled up a waffle recipe on his phone before digging the waffle iron out of the cabinet that stored everything like mixers, a toaster, and some other things.He added some chocolate chips and bananas into the batter before being satisfied with it.He put the batter aside so he could start on the eggs.He cracked 6 eggs into the pan with a bit of butter.When the butter was melted he scrambled the eggs, put some pepper in them then added some cheese.When the eggs were done he turned the burner off and covered the top of the pan with it's lid before pouring the batter in the waffle maker.As he waited for the waffle iron to beep he set the table.After all the waffles were made he stacked them on plates, three plates had one waffle on them, one plate had two waffles, and the last one had two.There was a portion of scrambled eggs set on each plate.After deciding everything was done he went to feed Maxie.As soon as the bag of dog food made a sound she sprinted to where her bowl was."Calm down girl."He told her as she excitedly nosed the cup of food he had.She huffed in response before her bowl was full.Oikawa saw Gray march into the living room like the pitbull mix he was, he had his head held tall and proud.He strided up to his food bowl next to the collie german shepherd mix who was chowing down on her food."Good morning to ya Gray."Oikawa told the dog before giving him a gentle pat on his back."Good morning mama!"Someone yelled before Oikawa turned to face the person who the voice belonged to.He was met with his husband and three kids admiring the food he made."About time you lazy bums got up."He commented before heading over to the table."Well what are you waiting for, I didn't make the food for you just to admire it."He stated before the kids began to chow down.Iwaizumi brought Oikawa a mug full of coffe before kissing his forehead."Thank for breakfast hun."Iwaizumi stated before sitting in his seat.Oikawa couldn't help the butterflies that formed in his stomach at being called a pet name.Even after 8 years of being together he still wasn't used to it.Oikawa could spot a exuberant smile slide on his face as he watched the kids eat.Iwaizumi was never a big fan of kids but here he was laughing at their silly actions and taking care of them."Mama come eat!"Kunimi stated as he stopped eating to get his attention."I'm coming."Oikawa replied back before walking strolling to his seat at the table.He took a sip of his coffee before deciding to eat his meal.

"Mama watch!"Kunimi shouted as he wrote his name out in chalk, for being 6 he was doing pretty good with it."That looks great Kunimi.Good job."He congratulated him before Kunimi decided to draw on the pavement stones instead.Oikawa relaxed back further in his chair.The weather was just perfect, not too hot but not cold.The backyard of the house was pretty big, some of it was a bit of woods, but it was fun for the family to walk through them together.A sudden weight on his chest made him peel open his eyelids to reveal a chocolate brown eye.There on his chest was his middle child who was almost asleep on him."You tired?"He asked quietly as there was no movement from the child."Mhmm."Was the only answer he got out of the milk loving child.Oikawa rubbed a gentle hand down his back to relax him a bit more.He left Kageyama alone after a tender kiss on the boy's slightly tanned forehead.He slowly sunk back into his small but much needed nap.His dreams were filled with memories from the past that made him smile and thoughts on what his family was doing right now.His dreams were always rather pleasant ones.There were a few times when he dreamt of rough times between him and Iwaizumi but he always found comfort in something about the past.Sure they were not the most present dreams but he still thought they were good ones because they showed hoe far they had become.From volleyball players to having really good jobs with the perfect family that surrounded them.They still were good friends with a few opponents from different teams.They also never really had terrible things happen in their relationship.If you thought about it they were incredibly lucky to have everything they asked for.Barking from the yard made Oikawa open his eyes to see his husband playing with the kids with Maxie happily joining in.Gray had taken up the empty spot on Oikawa's legs for a nap while making sure not to disturb the boy still asleep on Oikawa's chest.He eyes Gray a bit before turning to watch his family again, he loved how everything seemed so perfect.The sun setting light up the yard making the faces of his family look almost golden.They were definitely worth more than gold, no amount of money could make him as happy as these 6 did.He wouldn't trade any of them for the world, he would rather watch the world burn then give up on the happiness they made him feel.

I hope you enjoyed!

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