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"C'mon bro hurry up. Kenma and Akaashi are supposed to be here." Bokuto stated as he ran up the stairs with a tired Kuroo behind him. They wanted to suprise their lovers at the party they were supposed to be not able to go due to work issues but everything had been solved in a short time so they still could attend. "I'm right behind you Bokuto. Plus we have to find them in all these people first." Kuroo replied as they opened the door to be meet with the whole house mostly dark except for the few neon lights that were strung around that was filled with their friends and friends of their friends. They made their way through the crowds until they were where Oikawa and Daichi are doing shots together with a few people cheering them on while others lost. "Hey Oikawa!" Kuroo greeted as he saw said male finish his last shot. "Hey Kuroo! Akaashi and Kenma are on the dance floor in the ballroom." He told Kuroo immediately knowing who they were looking for. Before Kuroo could thank him Bokuto dragged him to the ballroom that had a disco ball hung up that flashed pretty colors all throughout the room. Bokuto saw Akaashi's head in the corner of the room before he ran over there with Kuroo right behind him. "Akaa-!" But he suddenly stopped when he noticed Akaashi was kissing some random dude. Kuroo was met with the view Bokuto saw before he noticed his kitten standing in the corner with a look of disgust on his face as he watched Akaashi kiss the man. Kuroo noticed the tears running down Bokuto's face as he watched Akaashi do what they used to do with someone that was not him. Kuroo pulled the male into a nearby bathroom before he hugged his best friend. He just listened to his best friend cry on his shoulder before the bathroom door was opened. Kuroo tensed but let out a sigh of relief when he noticed it was just Kenma. Kenma wordlessly locked the door and joined in on the hug. "I warned him. He didn't listen." Kenma stated as Bokuto shifted somewhat so he was crying on both of them. "Bo how about we sit on the floor?" Kuroo asked as Bokuto just continued to cry. He picked Bokuto up before sitting on the floor with Kenma right next to him. Bokuto head was on Kenma's shoulder while his body was in Kuroo's lap. Soon Bokuto fell asleep from all the crying. Kenma patted Bokuto's hair gently before silence broke out. "I thought you guys couldn't come." Kenma stated. "We couldn't but we somehow finished early and we wanted to suprise you two." Kuroo stated before he kissed Kenma's head. "It's not your fault kitten. You warned him and he didn't listen. Don't blame yourself. Akaashi is the only one to blame." Kuroo stated before he kissed Kenma's head gently before he held his free hand. "I know but I still fell bad. Bokuto never deserved this." Kenma muttered just loud enough for Kuroo to hear. "I agree he didn't but he wouldn't be happy if we blamed ourselves." Kuroo argued before the bathroom door was knocked on. "Hurry up in there! Other people have to use the bathroom too!" Someone yelled. Kuroo immediately picked Bokuto off the both of them and into his arms. He silently lead Kenma out of the bathroom and through the party to his car. He placed the sleeping male in the backseat. Kenma climbed in the backseat and let the said male's head be positioned on his lap comfortably.

Over the course of a few months the three got really close to the point you wouldn't see one without the other two. Bokuto had gotten over Akaashi 1 month after the incident with Kenma's and Kuroo's help and support. Of course Akaashi tried to apologize to him and salvage what was left of their relationship, but Bokuto stood on the higher ground and refused to continue with what relationship they had. He couldn't bring himself to forgive Akaashi either, he gave that male his whole soul and it was tossed away like garbage. Ever since then the three planned to move into a house together after they finally got into a romantic relationship. Kenma and Kuroo cherished Bokuto through everyday way more than Akaashi did. They weren't that upset about him being very clingy or sometimes a bit stupid. In fact they found those traits very cute of their partner. Bokuto was perfect for the both of them like they were for him and eachother.

I hope you enjoyed!

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