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∆ {3²⁴} {STORM OF BULLETS} ∆

THE REST OF Ultron's army paused, if only for a second, upon seeing the damage that  Roxi had done. The entire world had stilled, and for a few seconds, even the noise of the engines keeping them going up seemed to hush while all of them, including Ultron, seemed to process what had just happened. Even Roxi herself was surprised at quite how much she'd managed to do, because between the robots and the old church, lay a field of veritable shrapnel. Parts of the robots lay everywhere, piling up on the ground, sparking and dripping oil that pooled in dark puddles on the ground, accentuating the carnage that she had caused.

As soon as Ultron realised that Roxi wasn't going to send out another shockwave, the robots began to move again, forcing the rest of them back into action, though she could still feel one set of eyes on her, which she had no doubt belonged to Natasha. Still, she ignored it, and tried to muster what energy she had left to help whoever needed it as the robots reached the church. The way they were fighting meant that each of them, with the exception of Tony, Vision, and the Hulk, two of which were flying, the last of which was moving around the room, were fighting in a circle with their backs to the core. Roxi herself was stood on the steps that lead up the core, and even with all the robots she'd managed to take out, and with nine other people helping her, she still found herself with only just enough time to breathe.

It was robot after robot, and they kept getting closer and closer to Roxi and the core, and after a good few minutes, she found herself only just stopping the robots seconds before they made contact with the core. Thankfully, that didn't last too long, because a vibrant red mist furled around the robots near Roxi, and threw them against the walls, while a few others fell to the ground with bullet holes in their faceplates. She sent a grateful glance to Wanda, who nodded back to her, before locking eyes with Natasha and allowing the message to be communicated that way. The redhead's lips turned up into a smile that Roxi found herself wanting to match, before the pair of them turned back to the task at hand, though both of them now fought with more fluidity, and helped each other out should they need it.

It wasn't long before Ultron himself flew into the church, choosing to battle with Vision as the rest of them were caught up in the skirmish below. If anything, somehow, his presence had strengthened Roxi's will to fight, her desire to win. That hope that had risen inside of her with Fury's helicarrier hadn't left, and if anything, it was getting stronger. Hope was a very powerful tool if you knew how to use it, as Roxi had experienced both in the past and now, and every blow she delivered got steadily stronger as she allowed herself to see the light at the end of the tunnel; the end of this battle, of Ultron. If she could only get there.

She seemed to be getting closer, because although her muscles were beginning to burn and the initial fearful adrenaline she had felt was beginning to wear off, the robots were finally thinning out. Just outside the church, Tony, Vision, and Thor stood, sending their own energies in beams at Ultron's physical form, and Roxi decided to lend them a hand, and sent her own, short blast of power at the AI that seemed to tip him over the edge. He flew back several feet, landing on the dusty, rubble-covered ground of Sokovia. He clambered to his feet laboriously, his face orange from the heat of the men's attacks, the metal plating that Roxi had bent out of place earlier becoming more prominent as severed wires hung out of the metal shell he had built from himself. It reminded her not so fondly of the night at Tony's party.

"You know, with the benefit of hindsight-." Whatever he had begun to say was cut off as the Hulk slammed a fist into him, sending his robotic form flying through the air with a force that no-one would ever want to be on the receiving end of. Then again, Ultron didn't want anything. He simply thought the best way for humanity to continue was for it not to. He thought that the best way for them to live would be to die, so that he could have his version of a perfect world. Whichever dummy robots were left around them scattered, drawing their weapons back to themselves and taking of outwards, towards the edge of the city.

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