{5²} {RETURN}

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∆ {5²} {RETURN} ∆ 

IT HADN'T BEEN quite as peaceful as Roxi had imagined that it might be. It had been enough however, as she'd predicted, to allow her to rejuvenate some sense of calm, and when she glanced at her phone the next morning, she found messages from two of the three people that she worried about the most. Wanda's detailed carefully how she was enjoying spending time with Vision, and how the young Maximoff missed her.

When she looked back over it, it was quite surprising how close she had allowed herself to grow to the woman, but she supposed that sympathy - never pity - had played a strong part. Roxi knew a great deal about Wanda's position, and hadn't wanted the girl to go through it alone. She had gone through it alone, and the strength of the issue and the potency that it poisoned her mind with had been enough to ensure that she shut everything out for as long as she could. Wanda didn't need to become as used  to violence and death as she was, not when she was so young.

The other text that she had received was from Tony, and briefly, simply stated that he was okay, that he and Pepper were  doing well, and that he hoped that she was faring the same. Natasha hadn't sent her anything, and she could only hope that that meant that everything was going well, but she was too caught up in whatever it was that she was doing to assure Roxi that she was okay. Lately, she had grown used to rationalising her thoughts, rather than immediately assuming the worst, which she had always thought would be the safest method. Oddly, it wasn't. Not now, in these circumstances, anyway. Now, she had to measure and balance every move that she took in hopes of never even making one mistake. It was dangerous, and required a lot of concentration to do so. So far, Roxi had only just been able to spare that attention, and when her mind was as preoccupied as it was now, it didn't bode well for her. Natasha would be back soon, and if she was still unable to sort through her thoughts efficiently and as she wanted to, she was likely to go nowhere other than downhill. It was something that she would definitely prefer to avoid, especially with their newfound need for secrecy since Leipzig. 

A knock at the door of the room she was staying jolted her out of the sort of haze that she'd settled into last night, and she immediately found her hand creeping towards a kitchen knife, which she tucked up the back of her forearm, her fingers wrapped around the handle as she stood up and answered the door. She stared for a few seconds, upon meeting a familiar pair of forest green eyes, though for a moment or two, she didn't dare relax. 

Natasha's sharp face was lined by a curtain of platinum blonde, her hair now cut to her shoulders, and Roxi took a few moments to take in the woman before her. She looked exhausted, and a weight rested behind her eyes in such a way that Roxi wished for nothing more than to be able to get rid of it. She stepped aside without a word, not even wondering to question how Natasha had found her here. The redhead was very good at finding things that did not want to be found. 

Roxi locked the door and drew the thin curtains over the wall-length window panels that lead to the balcony that she'd been on last night, knowing that both of them would appreciate the privacy. She waited for Natasha to speak, and sat down next to the her as she did so, allowing the woman to slump slightly into her side.

In the soft light that crept over Venice, half-filtered through the curtains,  the shadows highlighted Natasha's face perfectly, though it also accentuated the concealed bags beneath her eyes. Roxi, for once, felt more refreshed than she did on average, and realised quietly that Natasha was usually the one to comfort her. Today, Natasha needed someone to be there for her, and Roxi was determined that it would be her, and that she would do a good job of it. She wanted to provide as much of a feeling of warmth and safety as she had felt so many times in Natasha's company for the other woman.

"We finally passed it. We finally dealt with it Roxi, and I know that every ounce of me should be happy that I can wipe the red from my ledger, but there's still a small part of me that misses it. The adrenaline, the blankness, the kill. And I hate that part of me, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to get rid of it."

"That's not so bad," Roxi replied carefully, her voice soft as she pulled Natasha into her, "Adrenaline like that is addictive, and the philosophies that they brainwashed you with are exactly that - tools to get you to function as a weapon, not a person. Look where we are now. I don't think that either of us, before all this, could ever imagine this being us. Yes, you're supposed to be emotionless, but that was for their own assurance that you wouldn't take it upon yourself to try and undermine them. But you did anyway, Natasha, because you're the strongest person I've ever met. Besides, how many times have we saved each other's asses because of emotion?"

"Too many to count." Natasha's voice was weak, but Roxi could hear the faint smile tinting her words before she even glanced at the woman she loved, "but that's only because you love me."

"Oh, so it doesn't go both ways?" Roxi replied in a false tone of offence, regarding the woman next to her through playfully narrowed eyes following her last comment. Natasha looked up at her, with a stronger smile on her face, and her green eyes glimmering with adoration and gratitude.

"You know it does, Roxi." The two women met, allowing themselves to enjoy the feeling of the other as the intoxicating smell of roses, of mint, of vanilla, of lemon, swirled around them in a medley that left both of their minds reeling. They may be on the run from the government, and branded dangerous fugitives, unable to see their teammates, but they still had each other. That was all they needed that day in Venice, as the boats slid by on the waterways outside and a breeze lifted the curtains from the windows.

It seemed as if everything was in harmony, and neither of the two women had ever heard music more beautiful in their combined lives as they allowed themselves to be caught up in each other.

{A/N:} .. This chapter is utter shite. Thanks,

Written: 12 / 06 / 2021

Published 12 / 06 / 2021


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