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WHEN SHE HAD been crouching in that 'hayloft' in London, and she'd heard that more people were coming, Roxi felt like she'd be one of two people facing a small army. Now, that was reality. Six or Seven of them against an army, and not only that; an alien army. She listened to the thrum of the quinjet's engine, allowing the soft vibrations and constant droning to wash over her and carry away and emotion she didn't need to be feeling. Fear, anticipation, an impending sense of doom. All gone. She let the calmness course through her like the tide, ebbing and flowing as she fought back her emotions. When she was fighting, she'd take it out the Chitauri (Steve had told her their name on the way) and Loki. She had to contain it until then, in case she didn't something rash, which wasn't totally outside the range of possibility. 

As they approached New York (Roxi hadn't been pleased when she found out that it was such a highly-populated place), a huge beam of blue-white energy shot upwards that almost reminded her of the bifrost - she'd seen pictures. It seemed so stop before it expanded suddenly, ripping a hole in the sky, allowing Chitauri to soar through in the hundreds on their speeders. 

Roxi watched them through the windscreen. They were ugly things, tall, with basic metal armour and black twisted skin that pulsated with some kind of purple energy. Their speeders were big, with one steering and one or more on the back to help keep it running or ward off intruders, though they seemed like the typical bad-guy lackeys, so they probably wouldn't be too hard to wipe out, but there were so many of them. There must have been at least a million as they continued pouring through the portal and into the airspace above New York. They began to rain fire down at the city below, just as the R and the K from the huge STARK that adorned the outside of Stark tower fell. Natasha, who was in the co-pilot seat, informed the tin man where they were going.

"Stark, we're on your 3, headed North East."

"What did you, stop for drive-thru?" He asked.

"Not the time," Roxi scolded him. She found his sarcasm highly annoying, even if she was a sarcastic person as well. 

"Swing up Park, I'm gonna lay them out for you," he continued, ignoring her chastising. They went down Park, shooting the Chitauri on their speeders as they chased after Stark. That was something Roxi understood. There were some times when she'd like to give him cognitive re-calibration. Clint took them upwards sharply to avoid crashing straight into the building on the other side of the huge black cloud of smoke that the speeders had produced after they'd been shot down. They continued swirling up around Stark tower, shooting the Chitauri straight out of the sky. They took a hit to the metal of their wing, but managed to keep flying. They pulled up to the level where Thor and Loki were fighting. So they had at least six people fighting the hordes of aliens. That was a bonus. 

"Nat?" Clint asked, his gazed trained on the pair.

"I see 'em," she responded. Clint swung the jet around so that Natasha could get a good shot, and as she aimed, Roxi's nerves began to build, even when she tried to push them away. She began to shoot, somehow not hitting Loki, as he fired a beam of energy from his sceptre. It hit straight into the engine on the left side. Clint tried to keep them in the air, but Roxi could hear the engine clicking as it slowed down and the reassuring hum she'd been listening too became strained as the remaining engine tried to do the destroyed one's job for it. He couldn't hold the m there any longer, so the four off them were sent gliding towards the ground trapped inside a flaming quinjet. Cap grabbed onto the metal handles attached to the ceiling, Roxi following suit, though with much more difficulty because she was quite a bit smaller. Clint tried to steer them to a clear landing zone as he turned corners, clipping several with the wings as he did his best to control it. He managed to land just shy of a car park, avoiding crushing some as they jolted to a stop when the wing of the quinjet caught on a pillar of a multi-level car park, the ground tiles erupted from their crash. The ramp opened and thew four of them made their way out, ducking to avoid the sparks falling from just above the opening until they stood in a sea of rubble. 

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