The cart

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They were already half way down the cart and half fallen from the little cart that was carrying both Zoro and Nami. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Screeched Nami. OI Nami calm yourself. How the hell should I if we're going to all you bastard. This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for you. What did I do? Don't talk to me. Ahhhhhh! She called out once again and held onto his shirt the whole entire time. Nami all yourself just focus on the fireworks. How the hell am. Suppose to do that. Jus look up and see the colors. As she held her head up and saw the fireworks. Wow. She said astonished with the view from where they were at. ZORO! She called out and fell out of the cart. As Zoro held onto her hand. As Nami shut her eyes closed so she wouldn't see how it ended up.

Huh? As she looked down. Shit. Zoro get me up. Hmmm nah I'm good right here. ZORO! Fine. He gave a growl. God women I should at least get a thank you or something I just saved your life. Hmm she huffed and looked the other way. It sure looks beautiful out here she thought to herself. Nami do you have a idea about how long were going to be up here we have been up here for quit a while. No. She said and turned so she couldn't talks to him. Oi, it's not that bad staying up here. It's actually really pretty up here you know. I know Zoro I just am not a really big fan of heights. I can see that Zoro gave a smirk. Why the hell do you look like that. Look like what.

Look like what? Wait Zoro are you blu- no why the hell would I. As he tried to get the blush off his face. Zoro you really do like me do you. Yeah. He said with a loose in his voice. Zoro I love you too. But I really don't want to talk to you right now. How can it get any worse. As it started raining. n..a..m.. Nami. As he looked at the soaked navigator. Are you cold. No. She answered coldly ,but Zoro knew hat she was lying because of the goose bumps on her legs and arms and her quivering. Why the hell at you lying to me? I'm not lying. She said with a very sorrow and angry voice at the same time because she was being accused of lying. Yes you are Nami because you are obviously cold and you are saying your not. BECAUSE IM NOT! Wy are you trying to force yourself from being cold. Because I don't need it I'm strong enough to take on the cold. Nami stop acting all tough.

You can't tell me what to do. What ever. As he took off his jacket and covered her with it. Which made her look like she was a little ball wrapped around a blanket and gripping itself to himself. As Nami grabbed it and wore it. As Zoro chuckled I knew that you were lying the whole time Nami. Shut the hell up will you she said with a anger. As Zoro stood there looking at her trying to get warm. Nami it may be better to get close to me to get warm. No...she said with blush all over her face which made her look like a tomato. As Zoro just smiled and looked at her face. Fine! You better not try anything funny Zoro you hear me. Yeah,yeah,yeah I get it. He said with a serious expression. As Nami cuddled with him and slept in his embrace. As he looked down at her and smelled the scent of her hair into his nose.

He had always loved the smell of her hair and how incident she looked when she was sleeping ,but of course he couldn't do anything to her. As he gave her a kiss on the top of her head. And laid in the cart waiting for it to start working. Why the hell won't this work. He said with anger. As he gazed into the sky and saw fireworks. Didn't they end already. As he lowered hi head to. Namis level. And whispered. I will never leave you to fall. And then he just stood looking at her and turned his gaze. As he looked at the other people to see what they were doing while they were stuck in the cart till it were to fix.

He then turned his gaze and looked at the going the merry. Luffy was there looking at them if he knew the situation why wouldn't he do anything. As he kept looking at Luffy. As Zoro rose his hand towards Luffy which gave him a signal to bring him and Nami both back t the ship. As Luffy nodded and stretched his arm around Zoros waist. And brought them back on board. Which caused Nami to almost hit herself against th rail of the ship ,but Zoro had gotten in the way of her getting hit. Luffy make the landing a bit safer he said with a growl. I will go take Nami to bed if that fine with you guys.

Whatever just make sure she's alright. Yeah I know Luffy. Ashe walked up the stair and into the women's quarter and placed her to her bed. But when he kissed her cheek and turned his gaze he saw something familiar. It was a picture of both Nami and Himself kissing. Where did she get this he questioned himself. It might have been Robin. She is actually kind of creepy not gonna lie. As he gazed at the picture a bit longer. When suddenly Nami woke up. Zoro are we out of the cart. Yeah. We're at the sunny. Where did you get this picture he questioned. Well Robin gave it to me for my birthday. Well I love the picture you look really cute in the said with a smirk. Thanks Zoro as she gave him a good night kiss. Bye. Aren't you going to go take a shower. No I will right in the morning. Thank you Zoro. As she fell asleep. Good night Nami he said as he smiled out the door.

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