A dream?

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( in the morning )
Ahhhh I'm going to go get some booze. As he watched a giggling and hurried down the stairs that giggle sounded way to similar as he ran as fast as he could. As he went down the stairs ,but nothing was there. Ahh I might be hallucinating. But no he heard another giggle. As he stopped and thought from the giggling was coming from the swordsman was now getting worried. As he woke up the others. Oi, do you guys hear that? No. What's got into you Zoro. No I know it's true. Luffy you have to hear it. Sorry Zoro ,but I hear nothing. As the swordsman took a seat. And sighed. I can't be dreaming I just can't not now. It's true and I hear it clearly. As the giggle started turning into words. He couldn't hear exactly what the person was saying. Oi, ero-cook tel me that you do hear that. Marimo I don't hear anything. Your hallucinating. No I'm not I can hear it. Zoro calm down the little doctor whined. NO! I hear it and I know that I'm not hallucinating. This is really bad.

where's Usopp he has to hear it. Called out the swordsman with a whole lot of anger built in his voice to only was he angry ,but was getting very annoyed with the whole crew. We're they teasing him. I'm not hearing things am I? As he went into the boys cabin. He ignored the laughter ,but he just sopped to think maybe they couldn't hear it ,but he could because it was a message. The swordsman began to think. Nami might be alive. Smiled the swordsman. As he got up. Maybe if I follow to where the giggling is coming from maybe then I will see Nami. She can't die that easily. As the swordsman started wondering to places. He didn't even know where he was going. But ended up in the kitchen as he exited he went out on deck. And looked out at the ocean. Nami if you could hear me if you are dead then please give me a signal. And if not please I am just really worried.

M suggesting that I am getting crazy. Oi, Luffy is it fine if I jump not the ocean to warm up. Sure. By the way Zoro I miss Nami too. I wish she was here with us. She is probably in a better place. But the swordsman stood stunned of what his captain had just spoke to him. Yeah I'm going to o and eat breakbeat. Yeah you were the only one that wasn't there you were in the boys cabin. I wonder when I will ever see Nami. As he walked back to the crows nest and started working out up there. This is just weird Usopp why do you want me to do this? So you can make Zoro fell not so depressed at the moment. As the two straw hats made a slide show of all the moments that both the swordsman and the navigator had spent with each other.

As all the pictures has started to flash. As the swordsman just watched and had tears running down his face. The. The picture that made him the most depressed was when there was a picture of just the navigator smiling at the camera. He had always been there when she needed him like when she was going to get killed or attacked e would fight the opponent and when she was sick he also protected her. It's been 2 years since she had tried taking his katana and the straw hat. That was the only time he had ever tried naming her ,but he didn't know her by then. So why would he care even if he did even kill her. He soon went up to the captain and the sniper and smiled. He then patted both of their heads while walking past them. Thank you bastards. As he went to the tangerine tree.

Do you think he liked it? I think so I never seen him smile since Nami has gone and since Sanji joined the crew. As both males just layer on the railing of the ship. We need to start thinking about the future now Usopp. As the captain walked away form Usopp. Nami it's all my fault that you died. If I only got hit than to wouldn't have been killed. And any of this wouldn't have happened. Called out the sniper in sorrow. As the little doctor came up to Usopp. Usopp it wasn't your fault that Nami died. She just died protecting her nakama and she did so. Is nothing to be blaming yourself for because you didn't tell her to block you did you? No. Exactly. So it was no ones fault ok so stop blaming yourself. I believe the saddest of all of us is Luffy and Zoro. They both miss her deary and so do us. If I could have treated her quick enough. This a so wouldn't have happened. Both of us are nothing to be blamed for.


Oi, marimo. What the hell do you want dart-brow. Did Nami love you truly? He said blowing a puff of smoke. That's what I think Zoro answered truthfully. By the way I did hear that noise. What noise? The giggling. I might have been only us and Luffy wh heard the laughter. Luffy jus didn't want the whole crew to investigate the whole ship to find where the giggling was coming from this is what I just had to tell you really badly. I miss Nami-San a lot too. You know that I loved her as much as you did even if she never did return the feelings just seeing her face made me smile everyday. Same with me ero-cook. I truly miss her a lot as well ,but whats done is done.

As the swords man walked out of the kitchen and gazed out int the night sky and looking up at the beautiful starts. But when so he felt a tapping on his shoulder....

Sorry this chapter is so short I will make the next chapter short too. Do you like it when I make the chapters long or she. Hey are short because I can change it making short chapters ,but there will be a lot of chapters if I am going to be doing that.

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