The date

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Dammit I forgot to ask what time the date was at. As she peeked out of the door and saw a dressed Zoro outside on deck dressed in blue with a black tie. I'm guessing I'm suppose to be out right now. As she ran into the closet and grabbed out a green dress with her white pearl earrings. With her high heels. I wonder where the marimo will take me. Probably somewhere cheap she thought. Well better than not giving me nothing for my birthday. As she smiled and walked out of the cabin. She then saw Zoro staring at her. Do you like it Zoro? Yeah, you look beautiful. Thank you as a blush appeared on her face. You look cute as well. Don't call me cute. Whatever where are we going to. We are going to a restaurant. Sounds good to me. By the ways the dinner is on you. Isn't that what a date is about though Nami. Yeah I just wanted to remind you. Hey Zoro where did you get the money to go and take me to a restaurant? Well the dart-brow gave me a couple go bucks so I'm gong to pay him back as soon as possible. So this is where I got the money. Hey Zoro. Is that the place were going to as she held onto his arm. Yeah. As she pointed to a restaurant. Did you already reserve the seats? Yes I reserved two seats for both you and I. I got everything done. Wow Zoro well done. As she smiled at him and pecked his cheek. As they entered the restaurant. Hello may I help you? Yes I reserved two seats under the name. Roranoa. Oh yes here you are. Here you are as the young man pulled out the chair for Nami. Why thank you. Your welcome my lady. As Zoro held back a growl.

Here you are as they handed them the menu. Tell me once you have your food in mind b the way someone will take your order. As the man left. So Nami what would you like to eat? I will get a salad. And you. I'm going to get a stake. And to drink I think I know what we both want to drink. Yup. You got everything. Hello may I take your order. As he stared at Nami. Yes we would like the stake and the salad please. Said Nami. Right away my good lady. Hey Zoro don't you think this place is kind of weird. Yeah. Want to punch him. Zoro. What he is staring at you and is only paying attention towards you. Am I hearing a jealous Zoro or are my ears lying to me. As Zoro held back a growl. Here you have it. As he gave both plates to Zoro and here se your drinks as he handed them to Nami. Still focusing into her eyes. Would you like anything my dear as he bent down and kissed Namis hand. No were fine. Zoro answered. As the man left. The guy is getting on my nerves. It's fine Zoro you know I would choose you over him he is just like Sanji. Annoying and perverted. Exactly he is perverted. It's fine Zoro we should just eat and see the bill and were out of here. I guess. As they both sat and chatted for a while. Ok so were done ordering and eating right. Yes. Zoro I truly love you with all my heart. Here is your check. As Zoro got angrier. His gaze was not on her yes any longer it was at her cleavage. God dammit what kind of waiter looks at women that way dont you see we are already together with someone already. Excuse me sir ,but I can band you from here. As Zoro got to his anger point and got up. Zoro please don't. As Nami held onto his arm so he cannot get any further. Oi, you want to fight bastard.

Zoro please don't. Look at that the lady there is telling you not to fight. You shut the hell up. Zoro we can run right now we are pirates after all. As the man over heard and went done on his knee. My lady I don't think you should do that. As he kissed her hand. Will you knock it off. What? You heard her back off. Look at the time I looks like we have to go right now. Called out Nami towards the fighting men. Well you know since you are such a tough guy then I guess you wouldn't mind. As he grabbed Nami by the waist and smashed his lips to hers. What the hell was that for. As she slapped him on the face with all she had in her. As Zoro got so angry he grabbed the man b the collar and smashed him into a table and punched the man until he started bleeding. Don't you dare kiss her or even think about touching her agin or that will be the last thing you will do. Lets go Nami. As he took Nami by the hand and leaded her out. Zoro I guess they hate us huh. Yeah it serves him right that better teach him what happens when he touches something that belongs to me. As he grunted and left. Hey you haven't paid the check. Make him pay the dam. Bill won't you. As he walked out leaving everyone staring at the couple walk out the door and into the highway. Zoro you shouldn't have pounded him for him to bleed. And that my fault? No I'm just saying that you can be a bit easier. Whatever he got it to the face so that make him see what happens when they mess with me. They wouldn't want to any longer. Nami I don't want you to get touched by another guy you hear me. I'm bit happy that you got angry though that he kissed me. Nami I want you to wash your mouth today. To get that mans slobber out of your mouth. As it started to rain. Dammit it's raining. I guess we don't have a umbrella do we this sucks. But it does seem a good time to wash my mouth because of the rain. As she opened her mouth and spit out the water. Hey Zoro is my mouth clean enough. Looks like it.

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