The walk back from the beach

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Zoro. Yes. Why do you love me? Well, I'm not really sure I just felt something different about my feelings. All I know is that I need you with me at all times. As he looked down at Nami. Why are you asking me these things Nami? Because at some point there will be a point where one of us die first. Nami we just need to live life until we for fill are dreams with are loved ones. Zoro I love you I don't want to lose you. As a tear went down her cheek. Nami I won't die until I become the best swordsman. You know that. Yeah I know I just wouldn't want imagine the day when we will die and one of us would have to stay living for a couple years waiting to be with each other. As more tears went down her cheek. Nami lets change the subject because all this is doing is making you sad. As he stopped and looked at a crying Nami gripping his shirt tightly in her little skinny hands. As she looked up and saw Zoro gazing down at her. Zoro I....don't want to lose you. As she got up and sat down on the sand. As Zoro followed her to her seat. Nami. Do you want to talk later about this or just forget about this. As Zoro just kept thinking bout the question that Nami asked him. Why did he love her was it her beauty. No it was her way of getting people to get under her control. But I'm different aren't I? Questioned Zoro.

Nam what makes me different form other guys? Well, you do t fall for my trick where I beg and they do what I say. You can look to my face any say no. And I think that is amazing I thought that no one can stand it. But I guess I found the person that can stand. Hey, Zoro! What? As he turned around and got a bunch of water to his face by the navigator. As she gave a slight giggle. As he got up and Nami ran straight towards the ocean. As Zoro grabbed her by the waste and twirled her around which caused her to start laughing even louder. As he stopped and looked at her face with her hair all over her face and gave a small laugh under his breath. As e removed the hair form her face and looked at her in the eyes. Zoro. What. RUN! As a huge wave went chasing after them as a smiling Zoro carried her bridal style and saw a frightened navigator hanging on his shirt. Then the wave crashed on top of them. As Zoro made his body a shield for the navigator. Once the wave crashed the navigator let go of Zoro and ran towards dry sand. As Zoro laughed by her first reaction to getting to dry sand. Then Zoro gave a roar of laughter. Who are you laughing at Baka? Your first reaction. As Nami thought to her self and let this pass and smiled and walked toward him.

I never knew that Roranoa Zoro can have fun. As she gave him a smirk. Hey, Nami. Yes Zoro. As he handed her a pink little shell that he had found. It's beautiful isn't it. Yes it is. She said while glaring at the pretty shell in his strong hand. It's as beautiful as you. Then Nami gasped and looked to his face. Hey what is that? Questioned Lufty from on board. As Robin walked beside him. It's like a shadow. No it's Swordsman-San and navigator-San. Then Zoro took Nami close to his chest. As their foreheads were touching each others. Zoro she whispered in his ear. As she placed both her arms around his neck and her legs wrapped around his waist. Nami. As he lowered his head and kissed her neck and started sucking it. Zoro don't. Zoro just ignored her me kept kissing and sucking her neck. Zoro don't leave me a hickey you hear me. Zoro please don't. As Sanji came on deck. What the commotion? Good afternoon Robin-chwan. As he looked out at the ocean and saw Zoro sucking her pale neck. Leaving a trail of red marks. OI, MARIMO WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? Called out Sanji. Zoro we got spotted by Sanji. Is he going to run down here. Hopefully not. As Zoro looked at the ship. OI, ERO-COOK WILL YOU SHUT UP! WHAT DID YOU CALL ME MARIMO? A ERO-COOK. As Sanji ran toward the two. Causing Nami to hold Zoro tighter then she had before. He's going to fight with you if I'm hanging on to you he won't hit you.

NAMI-SWAN YOUR PRINCE IS HERE! He called out. Then Sanji reached to both of them. Sanji I thought I told you already Zoro and I are dating. I came to talk to the marimo. As Nami let to and sighed and walked to the ship. MARIMO don't make her cry and do your lovey doves stuff in your room. And I won't top flirting with her just to you know. Then Sanji ran off to the ship. Robin-chwan. Would you like me to serve you some coffee? Yes cook-San. Then Sanji made his way to the kitchen. Then Nami made her way to the bathroom. Then Zoro raced to the bathroom and made it before her. OI, ZORO GET OUT OF THERE! No. WHAT WHY!? BECAUSE I MADE IT IN HERE BEFORE YOU! He called out because of the sound of the whole crew. Do you even need to use the bathroom. Yes I need to take a shower. I do to now get out! You can use it when I'm done. Whatever. As she made foot steps sound like she had left the room to the bathroom. But she knew that Zoro knew that she was still in the room waiting for him to fall for it so then she could get into the bathroom. Zoro please I need to use it. She said quietly. May be you can help me Zoro gave a smirk while opening the door.

On the deck

Oi, Luffy! What? He called out while picking his nose with his finger. Where did all the meat go? Called out Sanji. I don't know. He said while making it easy to know that he did take it. Hey what's that on your face? Shit I forgot to eat the crumbs! I knew it you shitty bastard! Called out Sanji. Hey Franky. Yes Robin. Where's navigator-San. I thought that she was in the bathroom taking a bath I may be wrong though. Thank you, Franky she said heading there giving him a peck on the lip. Then Franky gave a slight blush n his face. Nami-San? Yes Robin. She called out from inside the bathroom. I forget my lotion would you mind that I went in to get it on the shelf. No not at all. As Robin opened the door. Then a drop of sweat went done Namis cheek. Nami-San are you ok? Yes. It's fine. What? I know that Zoro is in here. As Nami pulled Zoros head from under the bath tub. Then he gave a huge breath of air. Then Nami gave a slight blush over her face. As Robin was about to existence she said. Have fun! Orange and green are cute together as she gave a small chuckle. Not a surprise that Robin knows that I was in here.

I'm hungry I'm going to get out of here as she got up. But Zoros strong hand Grabbed her small wrist. Before you leave may you scrub my back? Sure. As she did what he wanted her to do. Bye Zoro. As she existed. Drying herself and putting on her close. And went to go pick some tangerines from the tree. As she thought to herself. I wonder if her remembers tomorrow. Hey Sanji-kun. Called out Nami. Yes Nami my sweet. What's today. It's July 2nd my love. Thank you. It went so fast. She thought. As she headed to a basket full of tangerines.

Sorry this chapter isn't as long as the first one.

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