The thief who stole his heart

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Nami how long have you been stealing things? My whole life. Really as he got closer because you have done a good job on stealing my heart because girl have tried one to many times. Well I am good at stealing things I love. Really like what? Well like treasure and you. And I will make sure I don't lose this treasure as she looked into Zoros eyes. Oh, you won't. As he lowered his head to her level. As she got her hands to his cheek and started making little circles on his cheek. And went in to kiss his cheek. Oi, Zoro! Called out Luffy. What the hell do you want Luffy. What are you doing to Nami? Nothing Luffy What do you want. Well I wanted to make sure that both of you were ok because you haven't existed this room in a while. SO BYE! As he tried to rush out ,but failed. And where do you think your doing Luffy. Going to run and tell the crew what I just saw. Well he is good at telling the truth. Tell me about it. Hey Luffy you listen to me don't tell the crew about what you just saw you got it. Nami I'm the captain so if I want to tell I can. Well you bastard! As Zoro tightened the grip on Luffys collar. Don't tell anyone we are planning on telling.

Fine! Just let me go. Breakfast! Called out Sanji. Nami-swan Robin-chwan! As both females went int the kitchen with both Zoro and Franky. As Luffy crashed into the wall to get some food. Oi Luffy what where your going! Called out Usopp. Wow, Luffy-San. You are the quickest I have ever seen though I don't have any eyes yohohoho. Anyways how was your day Nami-San? It was good I guess thanks for asking Robin. Is your head hurting or your stomach I can give you pain killers. It's fine Chopper since we have the best doctor here I'm ok. You Baka just because you called me the best doctor wont make me happy! As he blushed and started dancing. He sure looks happy to me as she gave a slight laugh. Anyways thank you. You guys are really sweet to someone whom was going to take your food and ship. M sorry for our first in counter. It's fine. Anyways I have been meaning to tell you something you guys. As Zoro stopped what he was doing and stared at Nami. As he held out his hand over the table clear for everyone to see. As Nami took his hand. Zoro and I are dating. WHAT!? Called out Sanji.

Nam my sweet tell me your lying to us. No Sanji-kun. I'm dead seriouse we have for a couple days now. I'm sorry Sanji. Oi, MARIMO you better take care of her perfectly and don't even make her cry. I know ero-cook. So I'm Sorry if you don't accept this. As Zoro gave Nami a smirk as he held her hand in a tighter grip then it was before. As Zoro got up and sat next to Nami. Shishishi laughed Luffy. As everyone was still in shock. Nami-swan why did you fall for the MARIMO what does he have that I don't have. Sanji-kun it's just that it is different between Zoro and I. So do you love Zoro more then the rest of us? Questioned Chopper with a worried and scared look n his little face. No not at all Chopper just in a different way. At least I still have Robin-chwan right? As Nami gave a smile toward Robin and took Zoro with her. Hey Zoro who told you that I loved you? What makes you say that? Because I doubt that you found out your self. Well Robin told me to ask you out. So it was Robin right. Yeah. I'm glad she did or else see wouldn't be together I hope she is handling the situation perfectly. I think she s because its Robin were talking about.

Zoro I love you. As she wrapped her self in Zoros arms. As he hugged her like she was a pillow. As he breathed in her smell through his nose. As she was messing around with the three earring dangling from his ear. As Zoro looked down and saw a fast asleep Nami laying on his lap. As Zoro leaned down and kissed her forehead. I hope your head is better he whispered in her ear. I love you. Love you to Zoro. As she messed around with his hair now. As they both saw a crying Sanji running out of the kitchen. What do both of you have that I don't have. He called out. To start off Sanji-kun. Zoro is not a pervert and wouldn't go off with a other girl when he meets one out of the blue. Is that all my sweet. But I won't lie Sanji you are really cute in any ways as possible. As Zoro gave a slight growl. Thank you my Nami sweet. Oi, are you hitting on the cook already? No Zoro your just jealous. In I'm not. I was saying that to make him feel better. You know that I love you and only you in this way so don't even start. Nami about my past I promised a girl. A girl? Yes I did she was named Kuina. And where is she now? She died she fell off the stairs and hit her head and died. As Nami gave a suprised look. Is that why you were scared and sad at the moment my head hit the stairs. Yes don't remind me.

I thought that you were going to die I was going to cry. I would then lose another loved one by falling off the stairs. Zor is would try and survive I won't die u rail I make my dream come true and not by myself ,but with the crew. Because I love you all. Well Zor thank you for telling me about your past. And yours? Well I was taken by some pirates. They killed my mother. He name was Bellemere. Anyways she told the pirates not to hurt us. Well my sister and I. But he broke the promise and took me away. The village hated me. This is why I have this tattoo. It looks like its been stabbed. Yeah I tried stabbing myself it was way to much pain for me to bare. I wanted it gone. So you have a hard life do you. Yes I do. Anyways whats this pirates name. As Nam tried to remember she fell on her side even remembering his name. Nami are you ok. Yeah. I just don't want to rambler that daemon. I'm sorry didn't want you to break down. It's fine you didn't k ow really. As Robin walked toward them. Hey Robin how did it go? It went ok I guess cook-San doesn't look to happy ,but he will still fawn over us. Yeah I know. And where is Franky? He still inside he talking to Sanji. Well I want to walk to the beach which is i front of us. Ok list go. As Zoro got up giving Nami a hand. As they both went walking toward the sunset.

Zoro Nami! Calle Doug Robin. As they both turned around. Your welcome! As Zoro slipped his arm around Namis waist as Nami stuck out he tongue at Robin and Franky which appeared out of no where. As Zoro whispered in Namis ear your my wich. And your my marimo and only mine. As they both walked on shore. Green and orange sure look cute together don't you think Franky? Yes they do and I can see the captain as their annoying little kid and Chopper the cute little baby. They are both cute together. As both Franky and Robin got even closer to each other. OI Nico. Yes Franky. When do you think that w....e sh....should go on a date. He said in a shy voice. Anytime you would like Franky. We're both lovers. As both Zoro and Nami got back from walking together on the beach shore.

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