The carnival

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Robin. Yeah. I'm glad you are on the crew. Why are you saying this now. Because also without you I would stay with these idiots my whole journey. Why thank you Nami-San. As they both awake with a great conversation. Oi Bakas breakfast is ready Robin-chwan. Nami-San. Your breakfast is ready my loves. As he went into his noodle form. NAMI! I WANT TO GO TO THE CARNIVAL ALREADY! Luffy. We will go latter. As she strangled him by the throat. As they all headed to the kitchen. Sanji-kun may you give me some coffee please. Yes Nami my love. As he went into the kitchen. Oi, ero-cook haven't I told you already. Told me what marimo. Nami is mine. Marimo no matter what you say Nami-San is to good to be with a moss head like you. WHAT DID YOU SAY DART BROW! YOU BASTARD YOU HEARD ME YOU MOS- Sanji-kun. May I have syrup for my pancakes. Yes Nami-San as he ran to go and get the syrup. As Zoro just gritted and took a seat across from Nami. Here you go my love. Hey, where is Franky and Robin? Questioned Zoro. As Nami had so etching in mind of what the excuse was going to be or even if they were going to confess the situation they are both in. As both crew mates took a while to walk in. Hey Robin why did it take long. Usopp questioned. As she sat at a seat and Franky sat across form Robin.

OI, ROBIN CAN I HAVE YOUR PANCAKES! Called out a hungry Luffy. YOU SHITTY BASTARD HAVE YOU LEARNED ANYTHING ABOUT WOMEN! It's ok Sanji-San. Sorry Luffy ,but I'm going to eat them because I'm hungry. We have to tell you something. What is it Robin did something happen? No Franky and I are dating. As Sanji turned angry and didn't say I word Sanji are you going to eat. You can have my food I'm not hungry as he walked out. I'm going to go and talk to him. No it's fine Luffy I will go. Answered Nami. Hi Sanji-kun are you ok? Yeah I'm fine my love you don't have to worry about me. Sanji-kun I want to know now. Well, both you and Robin-chwan love someone from the crew. Is there something that I don't have that they both do have. Sanji-kun someday you will find the love of your life. I guess. I will go in one of the rides with you if that will make you happy. TAHNK YOU! Called out sanji and gave her a peck on the cheek. And jogged down to the kitchen. What was that last part for? He was probably happy. As she walked in into the kitchen. And sat next to Zoro. Hey, Zoro. What? Would you care if I were going to go to a ride with Sanji. Yes I would why Nami. Well I told him that I would go on one with him. Nami it depends on what ride you go on with him. Which ever he chooses would that be fine. Fine. But mily one ride you hear me. Yes Zoro. As he placed a hand over her small one and held it into his big hand.

AT WHAT TIME NAMIIIIIII! Called out Luffy. You don't have to wait as long ok. If yo want to we can go even later. She said with a smirk. NOOOOOOO! Luffy we are going you just have to be patient for a couple ours. As she went to the deck and saw Zoro lifting his weights up in the crows nest. She then looked closer and stared at his muscles. NAMI! SHUT UP! HWEN ARE WE GOING TO GO! I TOLD YOU HAVE TO BE VERY PATIENT! NO I WANT TO GO RIGHT NOW! JUST WAIT YOU RUBBER BASTARD! As she made her way up the crows nest. Hey what are you doing in here? I lost a map have you see it in here. No why would there be a map in this room. Well maybe I have forgotten it in here. Whatever I didn't see it in here. Why are you so angry about. Because what Sanji did. What did he do this time? You know exactly what he did. And what is that. He kissed you. And your mad because he gave me a peck on the cheek? Yes. And you didn't hesitate at all you ignored it as if it was normal. Zoro he was happy what did you expect me to do. Slap him. Zoro I doesn't mean that I love him more than you. Just get out of here. You know what Zoro you get very mad over little things you know that. And you think that when I see the cook kiss you and you do nothing makes me happy. ZORO SHUT UP! WILL YOU!

As the deck got silent. YOU NEED TO LISTEN ZORO! WHY THE HELL WOULD. LISTEN IF I WATCHED IT HAPPEN? ZORO WHAT THE HELL! IF YOU DONT EVEN WANT TO GIVE ME A CHANCE TO SPEAK THEN MAYBE WE SGOULD JUS BREAK UP! Called out Nami. And stomped into her room. That wasn't so smooth swords bro. I'll go talk to Nami-San. I will talk to her afterwards if that's ok with my beloved angel. Called out Sanji. As Robin entered not the women's quarters. Hi, Nami-San. Hi Robin what do you need or want. Well I wanted to check if you were ok. Yeah I'm totally fine don't I look fine. No not really Nami. I'm going to go take a bath if that is fine with you Robin. Yeah that's fine. As she walked to the bathroom. Sorry Sanji-San. Nami Is taking a bath a the moment ,but when she comes out you can talk to her just let her have so e time to herself. Hey what's that sound? It sounds like a song. I never knew Nami can sing so well. Oh take a look in the mirror you look so sad. It's like the winter market we use to go. I don't cry anymore ,but I feel so hurt. As the whole crew ended up putting their ears close to the door to hear her sing better.

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