Chapter 8: A Cold Meal

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You end up having another nightmare more dreadful then the last, you are constantly falling in darkness that seems to have no end and it would seem you would fall forever. The next second, before you could even react, you see the ground and before you could land, you wake up with a cold sweat and hit the ceiling of the vent with your head. "Crap, that hurt", you said as you rub your head. "These nightmares are getting out of hand, what's next, drowning with no chance of escaping?" Knowing how funny nature can be, you immediately get that thought out of your head and proceed to wake up the others.

You were the first to climb the ladder and signaled the others it was clear of any danger. As Six and Quin made their way up the ladder, you decided to observe your surroundings and saw a possible exit: the hooks you saw while climbing the ladder exited out of an opening to the right, grabbing it was the only way to proceed and there were no other options you could think of.

Six agreed with the plan with a plan, while Quin remained quiet and didn't say a word, you approached her to see what was wrong, then you realized she was shaking and slowly began to back away, you knew immediately she was afraid of heights and didn't want to go. "Six go on ahead, we'll catch up", Six responded with a nod and grabbed the hook.

Soon it was just you and Quin. "Quin listen to me, I know you have a fear of heights." She shook her head to signal "no". "Oh come on, you're visibly shaking and you're starting to sweat a little, you can deny all you want, but your body never lies." She looks down to the floor with guilt, you have to inspire her to face her fears, or she'll never be able to move on, you began to think of a compromise, if you make her grab the hook, there's a good chance she'll give and panic or worse, fall to her death.

"Okay, here's what we're gonna do." Quin looks to you with tears in her eyes, now visibly afraid. "you're gonna hop on my back and hang on with all your might, we will ride together and I want you to close your eyes and keep them shut until I say it's over, okay?" Without saying a word, she slowly shakes her head, you get down on one knee and allow her to get on your back, as you get back up you can tell she's holding for dear life, you wait for another hook to appear, it isn't long until another one appeared, you notified Quin to get ready for the ride and grab on to the hook.

As you look down into the abyss during the hook ride, you could feel her grip get tighter and tighter like a boa constrictor coiling around its prey, you look to the left and see someone big gazing at the bottomless pit, you could only hope he didn't see you and Quin as he heads back inside. The hook ride only lasted for about 15 seconds before reaching your stop. You let go and almost tumbled down a hill of what appeared to be wrapped up bodies. With Quin still on your back, you managed to make your way down without falling and try to catch up with Six.

You enter another area filled with more and more bodies, you couldn't help but notice the smell, it wasn't the bodies, but it was revolting and almost caused you to puke, you then realized where it was coming from: It was the smell of a dead rat, it was partially consumed and was giving out a terrible smell. "Six?" Quin asked you while covering her nose, you responded solemnly, "Six. Come one, lets pick up pace." You and Quin quickly try and catch up with Six, "those aches of hers are getting worse by the minute, if she doesn't consume a better meal (other than that rat), she may eat something (or someone) that isn't an animal, and last time I checked, I don't wanna get eaten today." You thought to yourself worriedly.

You followed the path Six took and landed what seemed to be a kitchen. Your heart began to beat and you knew danger was nearby, you quickly and crouched and ordered Quin to stay close. You proceeded through the kitchen with caution, Six was nowhere to be seen which caused you to worry even more. The sound of a knife cutting through meat knocked you out of your thoughts, you immediately took Quin under the table before getting spotted by what looks to be a chef.

Little Nightmares: Journey to FreedomOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora