Chapter 5: Hunger

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(Time Skip)

After narrowly escaping the leeches and another eye, You, Quin and Six used a staircase that led hopefully led somewhere that had something useful.

"Bloody leeches, how on earth am I gonna get this out? you complained to yourself after killing a leech that threatened Quin.

"Sorry for getting into trouble Red." Quin tries to apologize. "It's not your fault, that leech may have fell in front of you but at least I was quick enough to kill it, just be more careful next time okay?" "Okay."

The top of the staircase led to a room that obviously belongs to someone.

"This seems particularly safe for now." You say with a sigh of relief. You look around and suddenly see a possible way out if the room.

You also see a switch that may lets the bed down, but knew it would make noise. You began to push a nearby suitcase toward the switch with the help of six, allowing her to climb up and pull on it.

The bed makes a loud noise that causes all three of you to freeze, you begin to hear movement possibly on the other side of the wall, knowing it was the Janitor.

"Does he know we're in here?" Quin says with fright. "He does now, let's hurry up and get out here, we don't wanna be here when he shows up."

Six nods at you and climbs on the bed while you and Quin push on the exposed wall that led a way out of the room. "This is interesting." You say to Quin.

You look ahead and see a door, you walk towards it and realize it's locked. "Darn door is locked, there must be a key somewhere in the Janitor's room." Just as you begin to walk back Six appears with the key and unlocks the door.

You and Six push on the door and see an elevator and a toy nearby. "Quin I need you to do something, I'm going to give you a boost up and you need to press the button to call the elevator, alright?" Quin responds with a nod and wait for you to get into position while six watches, you crouch down and allow Quin to get on your back and press the button.

Several seconds pass, then the elevator arrives, the three of you enter the elevator and see another button, but this time, it's a little higher. Before you could say another word, Six brings the toy you saw earlier and throws it at the button, this causes the doors the close and make the elevator go down.

As the elevator moves, you begin to wonder how long Six and Quin have been stuck on the maw. Your curiosity overtakes you and you asked Quin, "How long have you been trapped on this thing Quin?"

"I don't know, I didn't keep count, what about you?" Quin asked back.

"Two years, I escaped from a place called the Nest, but I wasn't alone at first, there were five of us, we came up with a plan to escape but, it backfired, I don't know what happened to the others, they're either dead or were recaptured, I'm the only one out of the five of us who escaped that dreadful place in one piece."

"How did you reach this place?" Quin asked.

"Funny, I honestly can't remember how I got here, I spent the last two years at the bottom of this hellhole trying not to get captured or eaten, I guess I don't want to remember."

You remain silent for several seconds before you began to ask your other companion, "What about you Six?"

As usual Six remains quiet and has her back turned to you and Quin, this makes you a little worried about your friend in yellow and walk up to her. "Hey, are you alright?" You asked her with concern.

You put a hand on her shoulder which caused her to look at you, then you hear her stomach let out a faint growl of hunger.

"Huh figures, here, it's not much, but it should take care of your stomach for now." You reached into your bag and gave a medium piece of bread to Six, she hesitated at first but then took the bread and began to eat it, you gave another one to Quin and one for yourself.

Soon, the elevator stops and the door opens, the three of you finish your bread and begin to continue your journey, but before you could even get far from the elevator, Six begins to cough and huddles down on the floor.

"Six, are you alright" You ask with worry, Six picks herself back up and moves forward slowly. You hear her stomach growl and realized she was hungrier than you thought, you reach into your bag only to discover it was empty. "Shit, I'm out." You cursed.

You and Quin catch up with Six only for her to suffer from another pain of hunger, she drops to the floor clinging to her stomach and was unable to move.

"Quin, help me carry Six!" You put one of Six's arms around your shoulder and Quin does the same. "Hold on Six, we'll find you something." Quins says this but doesn't have the slightest idea how to help her friend in need.

You and Quin move as slow as you could to keep the pain from agitating Six. But as you reach the end of the hallway, Six is attacked by another hunger pain. "Quin stop for a moment." You ordered Quin. The three of you stop to give time for Six to compensate, Six moans from her pain as you and Quin stand there helpless to her.

The two of you once again carry Six toward the end of the hall and see a cage with meat inside, you sensed a trap and try to move with Six and Quin, but Six was too tempted to move along and begins to slowly make her way to the meat that was calling for her.

Quin began to worry even more about who set the trap, but you knew who set it and can only watch as Six begins to consume the bait.

As soon as she finishes, you see an arm creep down toward the cage and closes it. "Quin, come on!" The two of run and grab onto the cage as the Janitor takes you to an unknown location.

Word Count: 1072

Little Nightmares: Journey to FreedomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora