Chapter 6: The Escape

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You once again have the same nightmare only this time you are running from the tall man, he gives chase and doesn't take long for him to catch you with his long fingers.

He raises you slowly to his face, but before you could make out what he looks like you wake up with a frightened jolt.

As you begin to stand up you realized you are stuck in a cage, there are other cages around full of captured children, before you could say anything you see a familiar hand reach out and drags one of the cages out of the room. " Poor kid." You say to yourself.

You begin to see movement and realized it was Six, you call out to her which startled her and made her look at you.

You look around the room and see Quin in one of the cages who was still unconscious. You call out to her only for her to not respond.

You begin to ponder how to escape your cage as Six began to go back and forth in her cage, it moves closer and closer towards the edge and suddenly falls with a crash and opens.

Six climbs out of the cage and makes her way towards you. "There's a lock on this thing, I can't reach it with my knife but you can." You hand her your knife and she begins to toy with the lock, you were surprised at first, you expected her to run off and continue on her own. You felt relieved that you earned her trust and her yours.

Several seconds passed until she was able to open up the lock, she stands back and allows you to open up the cage. She hands you back your knife and the two of you head over to Quin's cage.

You open it with your knife with ease and kneel down to Quin to try and wake her up. Soon she awakens and lets out a yawn. "Naptime's over, let's find a way out before he comes back." You say to the both of them. "What about the others?" Quin ponders.

"This knife may be a lifesaver, but it can only do so much, it may break if I lockpick again." You look at the kids who tremble in fear, causing you to sigh. "Besides, they are too afraid to escape and will only slow us down unfortunately."

You see a handle you can pull on and usher the others to help push the cage Quin was in to allow you to climb up and grab the handle. You pull down on it and tell the others to go, you begin to swing on the handle, once you are at a good angle you let go and run before the gate closes.

As you stand up you look around and realize the only way out was locked and there were no openings you could use. "How in the hell?" Then you look up and see an opening in the ceiling, You tell the others to follow and begin to climb, as soon as you've reached the opening the three of you look around. Six goes over and lights a candle you didn't see before. "Well this is interesting." The room was tiny and had bathtubs and a guillotine with a small stream of blood. "I only hope that hasn't been used." You shiver at the thought and try not to think about it. Quin noticed there was a small vent in a corner and notifies you and Six.

The vent lead to a small drop and into another room. Before you could even go pass the cages you heard a voice you were too familiar with and ordered the others to stop. The Janitor was close by and was personally too close for your comfort. All three of you crouched and remained completely quiet knowing how sensitive he is to sound, you shot a quick look to Quin and then to Six who motioned for you and Quin to follow her closely.

You moved as slowly and as quietly as you could as you begin to make your way across the room, but then one of the planks you stepped on made a creak and alerted the Janitor to your presence, all of you began to run for the small opening to the other side and remained quiet, you let out a sigh of relief and took the moment to look around the room you were in. You saw a possible way to escape but didn't see a way to open it. Before you could say anything Quin caught you attention with a whisper."Hey Red, what's this thing"? You turned around and saw Quin holding some sort of leveler. "That's our way out of here."

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