Chapter 10: Lair of Shadows

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The elevator takes to where you believe to be the lady's lair, the silence was overwhelming, you could almost hear a pin drop it was so quiet. "Okay, if there is a way of this thing, then she is the key, lets stay together and begin our search in her room." As you entered her lair, there was a staircase that led upstairs, you could hear the lady hum the same tune over and over again to no end.

You were first to go up the stairs, with Six and Quin close behind you, you reach the entrance of what appears to be a dressing room, that was when you saw her, she was looking into a broken mirror and was brushing her hair while humming that tune. Your heart began to beat like it was going to explode, this was no ordinary lady, behind that mask was something completely sinister, you and the others immediately got down and began to sneak behind the lady into her room.

It felt . . . empty for some reason, it was as if you were entering a void and could never get back out. You shook off this feeling of dread and got back to search. Quin with the of Six, got up on the dresser to check the urn, as she was trying to reach in, she ended up knocking it over, causing it to shatter, after that it was complete silence, the lady has stopped humming, your nature took over, making all of you hide under the bed from possible danger.

Moments passed, yet no one enters the room. You decided to crawl out slowly and look out the door to see if the lady was still there, and alas, she wasn't. You signaled the others it was okay to come on out, you felt your heart beat faintly, she wasn't here but she still presented a danger, you look back at the urn that lays shattered before you, there was a key that may fit the door you saw earlier downstairs. Quin grabs the key while she avoids stepping on the broken pieces and nods her head, it was time to move forward.

You head back downstairs to the door, you pick up Quin who still had the key so she could unlock it, the lock drops down from the knob and the door slowly opens to reveal a dark room, you take your flashlight out and scan the hallway, you became hesitant to proceed.

"Scared of the dark?" Quin asked you.

"It's not the dark I'm scared of." You responded. "It's quiet, too quiet."

Your heart began to beat a little harder, the lady could be anywhere and this could be a trap for all you know. But this was the only way forward, you kneel down and allowed Quin on your back for safekeeping.

You and Six then proceed forward with great caution, you kept your flashlight on to light your way, then without warning, the door closes behind you and your flashlight all of a sudden cuts off. You quickly try to cut it back on but to no avail, you were blind in the dark and your eyes needed time to adjust, but time itself was quickly running out, this was no doubt a trap and you needed to leave quickly. Six grabs your hand and the both of you start to sprint down the hallway, Six pulls out her lighter and uses it to light the path forward.

Your heart began to beat with all of its' might, the lady was soon behind you and was quickly gaining ground, the both of you ran as fast as your legs could carry you, there was a dresser ahead that had a small opening the both of you could easily go through, the lady was starting to close in, but before she could get closer for the kill, the both of you slide through the opening, ending her chase for now.

You were safe for the time being but you had to keep moving, this was her domain and this is her game you are playing. You enter a large room that was full of mannequins of unknown origin, there was another opening ahead but it had a plank blocking the way. With Quin still in tow, you and Six proceed to tear off the plank and go through the opening. The room was small and there was nothing useful you could use to defend yourself, on top of the dresser was a small mirror that wasn't shattered like the larger ones. Six climbs up and picks it up to look at it.

"Hold on, does she hate her reflection, why keep this one here?" Quin asks with curiosity and confusion.

Six brings the mirror over to you and you take a look at it, it was easy to hold and was light as a feather. You couldn't help but ponder why this mirror would be hidden in this room, did someone put it here? If this is correct, then where are they, were they killed by the lady before they could escape?

Did they hide the mirror in hopes that someone would possibly use it against the lady? Is this mirror the key to her weak spot? Whatever the reason is, this mirror is here for a reason, and that reason involves the lady who is hunting you. A theory then comes to mind.

"Perhaps there is a consequence if she looks at her reflection. We will have to put our theory to the test. We take it with us." You respond.

You tell Six to carry the mirror and she follows you out to the mannequin room, at the center of it was the lady herself, her back was turned to you but you couldn't help but feel she knew you were there. When you got closer you grab the mirror from Six and face it to the lady, you then taunt her to grab her attention.

"Hey you! You missed one!" You yelled and showed her the mirror.

The lady slowly turns her head and looks at you through the dark holes of her mask, shivers went down your spine and your hands began to shake a little, then she disappears, nowhere to be seen.

"Whoops." Before you could say anything else, a spotlight appears on the floor, the darkness was her ally and you would be safe as long as you were in the spotlight, the both of you rush over to the safety of the light and remained there, the lady then appears and moves toward you, you face the mirror in her direction and it begins to glow, an explosion then goes off, sending you to the floor and causing her to disappear in pain. Six rushes over to pick you back up and grabs the mirror, you then go and pick up Quin.

"My theory was correct, she can't stand her own reflection and it causes her harm." You said looking at the mirror. The spotlight then disappears and another one appears in a different spot. "Quickly!"

You grab Quins hand and run to the next spot. The three of you then huddle together with your backs facing each other and watch for the lady's next move. It wasn't long before she reappears and rushes for you, you yell for Six causing her to face the mirror at the lady causing the mirror to glow again, another explosion knocks Six to the floor and the lady back to the shadows for safety.

Quin goes to help Six while you grab the mirror, the spotlight disappears again and reappears in a different spot. Twice she rushes to attack, twice you fight her back (no rhyme intended).

She rushes for the final time and you faced the mirror towards her, the mirror glows and an explosion and goes off, it knocks you unconscious while the lady screams in pain and agony. moments passed before you came to and all you saw was complete darkness, Quin was there at your side but where was Six? You slowly get up to see her slowly make her way to the lady, she is suffering another ache and you knew what she was going to do once she reaches the maskless fiend. You couldn't call out to her because of you being dizzy from the explosion and needed time to recollect yourself.

Once she reached her quarry, she began to feed, causing the lights to go on and off, you gave your dizzy head time to calm down and got up to go to Six. No lights was on, but your eyes quickly adjusted, and continued to head over where Six was.

But you stopped moving, your heart began to beat as if it was going to explode, you put your hand to your chest in disbelief, Six slowly begins to stand while you kept Quin behind you.

"Six?" Quin calls out to her with no response back.

Your friend in the yellow raincoat soon starts to turn around slowly to look at you and Quin. You decided to stand your ground and hesitantly pull out your knife in self-defense.

"Quin, stay behind me!!" You ordered.

"SIX!!!!!" Quin yells out to her friend.

To Be Continued . . .

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