Chapter 2: The Beginning

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As you make your through the Prison with great caution, you begin to wonder if there are other kids trying to escape, ever since you fled from the Nest you've never met anyone who are as determined as you. You immediately clear your head as you encounter an eye that is looking around the room, "I hate these things", you quietly say to yourself . You quickly managed to avoid the eye and leave the room unscathed ( or unwatched).

Eyes and the Janitor aren't the only danger you need to worry about, there are also leeches that can kill you as quickly as you can kill them, so far you've had no problem with them, but they can easily become a nuisance if you are not careful, you see a door that appears to be locked, but that is no problem for you, you pull up a chair that allows you to reach the lock and pick it with your knife. As the door opens, it leads you to a small room with a red couch to your right and a bed to your left, you immediately realize that there is an open vent and you climb up to it.

When you jump down you see something that sent chills down your spine, up above is an incredibly tall man who seemingly has hung himself from the ceiling, the nightmare you had before about a thin man rushes back in your thoughts but you immediately clear it out of your head. "I doubt this is the same man", you say out loud, but you can't help but wonder if this is the tall man in your nightmare, you put your curiosities to rest and continue on, you see a chair at a door that has been open," I'm not the only person who has passed through here, can it really be?" Is it really possible that someone else is trying to escape the Prison, you try not to get your hopes up, but still, another kid?

You press on through the door, as you walk, you step in something black and slimy, "well this is disgusting" as you continue through the area you see a fridge that has been opened, there was no doubt about it: someone else has come through here moments before you did and may be trying to escape like you are. You climb up the fridge eager to catch up with a possible ally who can provide you aid, as you reach the top, you look ahead and see a leech who hasn't noticed you yet, you run past it before it had a chance to even react and jump across the gap.

You continue to follow the path of another escapist while avoiding the leeches, you had to kill some that got to close and you had to outthink others, as you are trying to catch up you realize there is a hole in the ground, someone has fallen through here and could still be down there, every fiber in your being told you not to jump down there, but you couldn't risk possibly leaving someone for dead, you pull out your knife and flashlight and jump down, you land in more of that black stuff that softened your landing (disgusting!). You pick yourself off the ground and turn on your flashlight, you quietly call out, "hello, is someone down here?" As you wave the light around you realize you are not alone: Leeches! Leeches everywhere! You dart across the room dodging the leeches that were trying to grab you, as you run you wave you flashlight around, trying to see if anybody was down here, but all you could see was leeches trying to kill you, you see an opening the escapist possibly escaped through and successfully managed to leave the area.

(Abrupt ending I know, I'm out of ideas for this chapter and will move on to the next one with a better ending.)

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