Chapter 1: The Nightmare

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As you open your eyes you are standing in a spotlight in some kind of dark room, you look around and realize you are surrounded by darkness and can't make out what's in front of you, as your eyes begin to adjust you immediately realize you are not alone, in front of you is an incredibly tall and thin man wearing a suit and is looking directly at you, before you have time to react he quickly attempts to grab you, but before he could you wake with a frightened gasp that causes you to quickly look around your safe haven, as you realize it was only just a dream, you get up and ponder to yourself about the nightmare. " Crap, that's the fifth time I had such a nightmare and it's getting more frequent, I've got to get the heck out of here." You look around your safe haven and get out of bed to prepare for your journey. "That janitor is keeping me from leaving this place, if I wanna escape, sooner or later I will have to deal with him".

You walk over to a table to pick up you pocket knife and flashlight and put them in your pockets. As you walk to your poncho hanging on a nail, memories of your life in the Nest flood and cloud your thoughts, you remember the people who you called friends who also tried to escape, but failed in their attempt. A tear flows from your eye as you wipe it away and clear your head. "I wish I wasn't alone right now", you sadly say to yourself. You walk to your poncho and put it on, you eat little of what is left of your supplies and put them in a small bag and tied it to your waist. As you walk toward the door that leads out you take one last look around at your safe haven, this place has kept you safe and sound away from danger, you know there is no going back once you open the door. "I will escape this place or die trying", you say to yourself. You slowly open the door and begin your journey.

Little Nightmares: Journey to FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now