Final Chapter: Little Nightmare

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The three of you were on the elevator heading to the dining room where the guests continue to feed. All of you were holding hands with you on Six's left and Quin on her right. Your heart was beating faintly to signify the danger was right beside you, but you couldn't help but feel that Six was no danger to either you or Quin.

It was a slow elevator ride down and you looked at Six.

"You sure this is a good idea?" You asked her.

Six responded by tightening her grip to your hand.

You thought back to the moment when you tried to fight Six in the mannequin room. You ended up losing your trusty knife during the conflict, Six could have easily killed you, but she was still in control of her strange, new powers. She has become a little nightmare, a monster in the dark who has been alone for so long, who wants to escape to the light with her friends by her side.

"Easy now, we are with you." You said to her.

"We won't leave you alone, that's what siblings are for." Quin added.

Six loosens her already tight grip, as if she is relieved. You couldn't help but feel she was afraid of completely losing herself, lose her sanity and become something that isn't really her and kill to satisfy her hunger. She could also be afraid of being alone after meeting you two for the first time. This maw has a way of changing you, for better or for worse.

The elevator soon stops and the doors open to the dining room. The three of you move together while still holding hands, the lights you pass under flicker and explode in reaction to Six. There were several guests you had to pass, no doubt still hungry after the feast.

The first one spots Quin and tries to grab her, Six looks at him and snaps his neck, another one to your left attempts to take you, but suffers the same fate. One by one, the guests are killed with little to no effort by Six. Soon you reached the door that slowly opens for the three of you. The light from outside blinds you for a few seconds as you climb the stairs.

2 years . . .

For 2 years you have fought against nightmares that kept you from sleeping, you killed leeches and other small monstrosities that wanted to eat you and leave nothing but bone, you had to avoid the Janitor that wanted to take you back, you had to escape the Twins that wanted to cook you alive, You had to go through a horde of guests who wanted to devour you, and finally, you had to fight the Lady who wanted to destroy your very soul.

You overcame all of these challenges, but you didn't do it alone, for beside you was Quin, a little girl who dream was to escape the Maw and return to her family, and Six, a silent mystery who had her own reasons for wanting to escape. The three of you accomplished the impossible, and you did it together . .

(Small Time Skip)

The three of you sat down together outside on the sands, the winds were blowing and you personally felt free for the first time in 2 years, another boat was no doubt bound to arrive after the first one you saw earlier, all you had to do was wait. If only the sky was blue, instead of this brown color.

Six was in a fetal position with her head up while Quin was laying down back first and looking up at the sky. All of you were quiet and didn't say anything for a while. You were the first to speak.

"When that boat arrives, we need to tread carefully and avoid the guests." You said.

"What if the boat's empty?" Quin asked while still laying down.

"Then we must still enter the boat carefully, better be safe than sorry." You responded.

It was silent again until Quin speaks.

"Do you have family?" Quin asks you.

"Only a father, he probably lost all hope of finding me alive and thinks I'm dead. If only he knew what his child had to go through." You look down thinking about your father, you were on great terms with him and began to think how he would react if he saw you again.

You got up to sit down next to six who was also looking up at the sky.

"I may as well ask you this as well, do you have family Six?"

She looks down and shakes her head no.

Quin springs to her feet as if something bit her. "We can be your family!"

Six looks at Quin with confusion. You added to the idea. "Yeah, we can be siblings, I already see Quin as a little sister while you can be the middle, what do you say Six?"

As usual, Six is silent and you expected her to nod except . . .


The both of you were shocked to almost eternal silence, Six just spoke, without even whispering when you first heard her.

"What." Was the only thing that came out of your mouth.

"My name . . . is Emily." She looks at the both of you with a smile.

You suddenly hear a horn from a boat causing the both of you to also spring to your feet. Your first journey has ended, you second one . . . was about to begin.

(To Be Continued)

Little Nightmares: Journey to FreedomWhere stories live. Discover now