Chapter 9: An Endless Feast

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Even though it was safe for Quin to let go, she kept holding on to me, as if she will die if she does get off. It didn't bother me, but I couldn't help but think that she sees me as more than just her protector and friend, but as a brother who she can rely on and trust in the darkest of days. If that's true, than I am glad to have her as a sister, and Six as well if she feels the same way. . .

We managed to catch up with Six and proceeded through another opening by ladder, when we got through, we saw something I never thought I would see again, people from the outside world, entering this hellhole from a boat that may provide us a way to escape this place. But alas, I knew we wouldn't be able to reach it in time. There was a chain we had to climb in order to move one, with Quin still holding on to me, I went first with Six right behind me. We soon reached a hole that lead us to a pipe we could walk on, I was in front with Six trailing behind me, I couldn't help but look down at the guests who were visiting this place, what is their reason for visiting this maw of death and misery?

We pressed on when we reached another hole which lead to another vent for us to rest for a bit, after escaping from the Twins, we needed to regain our energy for the path ahead. I jumped down first with Quin still hanging on, Six followed suit and we took the time to rest and recollect ourselves. There was an opening blocked by planks that had to be pulled in order for us to press on. But we decided to bide our time and wait for a bit before moving forward. Quin decided to finally let go for the moment and took the time to process what she saw after our escape.

"Those people we saw, why are they coming here? And why do they look so . . . bloated?" As much as I wanted to answer her question I had no I idea myself, this is the first time I actually managed to reach the top, I've been at the bottom fighting and killing and learning for the past 2 years I never had the chance to actually survey the areas I've been in to gain my bearings. I survived this long because of me gathering info and being aware of who and what I am facing, I have encountered so many unknown dangers I've just . . . went with the flow, learning as I move, and now I'm about to enter the abyss of the unknown once more with another unknown threat, and yet I'm soaking up info as I continue to see them in action, I guess this is what they call "evolution". I have evolved into something greater.

"Okay, we remained here long enough. We can't escape just sitting here." You allowed Quin to get on your back once more and begin to pull the planks off with Six's help. The exit lead to a pipe you could walk on, you went first with Six behind you as usual. It lead to the side of a bridge with a part you can easily climb, as you made your way up you saw limitless numbers of the guests entering an unknown room, with each step they take, the ground trembles before them. When you reached the top, you saw a woman looking upon the guests, she was wearing clothes you couldn't recognize, but you had the feeling she was running the show around here, as you gained a closer look you realize she was wearing some sort of mask to hide her face.

Six pulls on your poncho to grab your attention so you could move forward, but you couldn't help but feel that she is the one who was holding this place together, if she falls, the Maw will cease to function. You shift your focus back on the task at hand, you follow Six through a hole that led to the top where you could see the guests split up to enter different parts of the area, "Quin, hold on tight." Quin tightens her grip at your order. You made the first jump with Six following next, it was only a matter of time until you reached the other side that lead to another room.

The next room you entered was full of food that was giving out a lovable smell you never though you would have the chance of smelling again, breathing it in was enough to make your stomach growl. "We could use this opportunity to regather supplies." "Is that such a good idea?" Quin asked you with a bit of worry in her voice, but you could hear her stomach growl as well. "It is, this bag I've got has been empty ever since we dealt with the Janitor, and we don't know if we will have an opportunity like this again. You jump up on the table and star taking off large chunks to place in your bag you keep tied to your shorts for safe keeping.

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