Chapter 3: A New Friend

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(Time Skip)

After escaping the leeches and another eye, you continue to follow the path of the escapist, when you finished climbing up the cages, you immediately see someone running down the hall, it was someone in a yellow raincoat with the hood on, Your heart soared knowing you weren't the only one, as you desperately tried to catch up, the door she ran through closed shut, you run and try to find something to reach the knob, but before you could, you heart began to beat quickly, this could meant only one thing: the Janitor was behind that door, you immediately stop what you were doing and remained quiet, waiting for your heart to calm down, but it only got worse, he was coming to the door you were trying to open, seconds before he could, you quickly make your way to the left side of the door and stayed crouched and silent, as the door opened and the Janitor went through the door, you quickly and quietly made your way inside.

You enter a room with no light that was full of sleeping children, you lost sight of the escapist but knew she went through here, as you pass the children one of them awoke with a jolt and saw you, the child looked to be close to 5 or 6 years old and had light brown long, messy hair, you couldn't make out the kid's face but knew without a doubt she was female.

The two of you looked at each other in surprise and shared a mutual silence until the kid responded first, "who are you?"

You knew you only had a possible minute or two to try and catch the escapist before the trail could go cold but you decided to speak to the kid with a friendly demeanor, "The name's Red."

"My name is Quin", the child responded positively, you let Quin know that you had to go and made your way towards the open doorway, before you could actually leave you witnessed Quin slowly but clumsily climbed down from her bed.

"What on earth are you doing?" You asked with a surprised expression.

"I want to leave to, I don't like it here, can I come with you?" Your gut told you to tell her no because of the risk, but your gregarious heart wanted you to tell her she can come along, you were torn between two choices of leaving behind someone who shared the same view with you, or let her follow and earn an ally and friend, you decided to let her come with you as long as she remains quiet and follow your lead, she responds with a nod and follows you out of the bedroom.

You and Quin leave the bedroom where the others are coiled in fear and enter another room, you see a vent opening and realized that was how the escapist managed to leave and you and quin quickly follow suit.

As you make your way through the vent, you asked Quin a question, "What made you decide to leave this place?"

Quin responded, "Because I want to see my family again, I miss them so much." Several tears escaped her eyes until she wipes her face.

You knew how she felt for you wanted to see your family again as well, you don't remember what happened, all you knew is that you were taken from your home and was put in this hellhole that wanted to kill you ever since, but you survived so far from the monstrosities that want you dead or in pieces.

You and quin successfully reached the ending of the vent and make your way down, you pass by what looked like a cafeteria and saw someone sitting at a table, obviously depressed and helpless, he sees you and quin for a few seconds and points at an opening that took only a few seconds to reach.

"She must've escaped this way to, no doubt about it." You say to yourself in awe. You noticed Quin had a curious look to her face.

"I'm following someone if you were wondering, someone who is trying to escape this place as well." Quin became even more curious. "Who are they, Red?"

"I don't know yet, but I'll know more when we catch up." The two of you continue on to try to catch a possible friend and ally.

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