Chapter 7: His Final Hunt

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(Small Time Skip)

After narrowly escaping the Janitor in another room, the trio managed to reach the vent and gain a temporary relief from the chase. As soon as they jump down they freeze almost instantly as the Janitor leaves the room they just landed in, obviously searching for them. You and Six soon begin to push on the door only for it to fall with a large thud, a clock also falls and makes loud noises, before you could get a word in, the Janitor appears in mere seconds, all three of you stop moving and remain in place, you see a way to exit the room but have no way of covering your footsteps.

The Janitor moves over to the broken clock and begins to feel over it to assess the damage, you pick up Quin and put her on your back as you try to slowly move toward the shoe with Six close behind you. You nearly jump as the clocks begin to emit a loud noises that causes the Janitor to cover his ears, sensing an opportunity you run to grab the show and throw it at the button, causing the door to open, both you and Six soon make a run for it, having only mere seconds before the clocks stop chiming, as soon as they stop, you are already close to the next door, Six quickly shuts the door and stops for a moment to catch her breath. You also take a moment to look around the room and realize it is some sort of library, keeping Quin on your back, the both of you begin to climb the books and jump over to the piano, you end up landing on one of the keys emitting a noise, you hear movement somewhere nearby but don't want to stick around and find out who.

As the both of you make a second jump and climb up the book rack, Six motions you to stop moving, you heart begins to beat faintly and you immediately knew the Janitor is nearby, as soon as your heart slows down, you begin to move again, reaching the top you see a possible way of moving the piano to reach the other side. "Hold it, there is no reason for all of us to risk our lives to get the missing lever." You put Quin down and told her to sit. "It would be wise for one of us to go get the lever while the rest stays here, thus lowering the risk of all of us getting captured." "Well who's gonna go?" Quin asks. You knew that Quin wouldn't last being alone, so it was between you and Six on who gets to stay and who gets the lever. "I think it's safe to say who has to go." Six, without hesitation, begins to move only for you to stop her. "Whoa I mean me, I want you to stay here and watch over Quin and be ready to move once I return." Six tries to put your hands down and leave, but you continue to stop her from leaving, about 30 seconds passed before Six gave up and decides to stay. "Thank you, I will try to return quickly." "Be careful." You leave Six and Quin behind to go get the lever.

With the Janitor patrolling the area, getting the lever was going to be harder than you expected, you don't even know where to look, but you had to try for the others were counting on you. Climbing up the books you crouched and slowly moved to the other side while the Janitor was right below you. One mishap was all it took to alert the Janitor to your location, luckily you were careful and managed to avoid making any noise.

After climbing down the books, you saw a way into another room, as you entered the room you saw the lever was up for grabs, now you had to find a way to escape the Janitor, you can't climb while holding onto the lever, the only thing you could do was distract him. You saw a T.V. sitting in the corner, it was the perfect way to distract the Janitor. After pressing the button, you quickly grab the lever and hid behind the suitcase waiting for him to take the bait. Several seconds passed before your stalker entered the room, trying to turn the television off, you saw this as your opportunity and quickly left the room.

You were successfully able to return to the others with the lever. " The both of you get ready jump, as soon as I start turning this, he will come for us." You place the lever and start turning it, it was generating a lot of noise but you could see the rope move, you knew he was coming which made you start turning it faster, it felt like minutes was passing and the Janitor was inching closer and closer to where you were. Before you know it, the piano was in place, you yelled at the others to jump while you followed suit, the others made it but you were only able to grab the edge, you hung on for dear life until the others were able you pull you up, the three of you jumped again to the other side and felt relieved to escape.

(Small Time Skip)

You entered the vent with the others, Quin was in front while Six was behind you, Quin moved quickly on ahead, eager to get out of the tight spacing, your sixth sense quickly kicked in and you immediately grabbed Quin mere moments before the janitors' hand popped out of the hole, you quickly put your hand over Quins' mouth and ushered to her not to make a sound. The three of you waited for the Janitors' hand to grab the pipe before quickly scurrying by, you exited the vent believing it was a close one before hearing the door open, you immediately grabbed Quin and began to run with Six close behind you, the Janitor was beginning to close in on you, getting closer and closer, but before he could snatch you, you see a door close and something kept it from closing, Six was in front of you now and slid under it, with Quin on your back you had no choice but to slide on your side while having a death grip on Quin.

The moment you got under the door, you realized there was nowhere else to go, you and the others were stuck and the Long-Armed Horror was mere moments away from grabbing you, with Quin on your back- holding on for dear life, you began to think, before you could even come up with a solution, Six runs towards the cage and begins to pull on one of the rods, the rod comes out with a hard pull, causing the Janitor to retract and protect the cage holding up the door. You quickly get Six back on her feet and decided to put Quin down to wait for your turn, seconds passed before the hands began to search for you again, you waited for the right moment then ran to pull on one of the rods, this caused the Janitor to retract again and protect the cage.

One more was all it took, one more pull and the Janitors' hunt for you will finally end, Six sees her chance and runs to pull on one of the rods, you saw she was struggling and needed help, you ran to her aid and began to pull together, one of the hands was starting to come back toward where you and Six were, which made you pull harder until the door finally shut, the heavy weight caused the Janitors' arm to be cut clean off, Quin runs and hugs both you and Six, believing the nightmare to be finally over, you see a hatch open and you wanted to leave the room.

As Six and Quin climb up and enter the hatch, you turn around and hear the Janitors' screams of pain and agony, you could hear him tumble around on the floor, obviously in great pain, feeling satisfied that he will never stalk the highways again, you catch up with the others and continue your journey.

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