Chapter Eight

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America's POV

I stepped out of the car and onto the driveway, my legs feeling as though they were gonna buckle beneath me before I could even reach the front door. Oh man, why was I even nervous again? Calm down, you just met the guy. Sure he was pretty hot, seemed nice, had the voice of a damn angel, took care of his family, is probably the ideal man- but that shouldn't cause a gay panic. I think. Should it?

I groaned, rubbing at my temples and walking up the short staircase leading to the front door. I'll ask Maple about it I guess, he seems to have experience with these kind of things. But I still think this is too soon for a crush, I probably just reacted to that natural Russian beauty.

Opening the door, I was greeted by a bird flying and cawing rather loudly throughout the house. Aussie's yells for it to slow down and joyful laughter were accompanied by Kiwi's small squeals of delight as they both chased it around, though Kiwi was moving significantly slower than Aussie was. I could see Maple through the door to the parlor, reading one of his books and seemingly ignoring the fiasco going on outside the room, though I saw him sneak a few amused glances up at the bird.

Smiling, I shut the door behind me, taking off my shoes. Aussie seemed to have noticed my arrival, quickly running over to me with a large grin still plastered on his face.

"Aye, 'Murica! 'Elp me an' Kiwih catch this 'ere bird, wouldja?" The Australian country asked. He was rocking on his heels as though he were eager to get back to chasing the bird. Cute, I couldn't help but think.

I nodded, putting a hand on the shorter boy's head and patting it. "But know that ya owe me one, Aussie," I spoke, putting on a mischievous smirk as Australia agreed excitedly.

The next half hour was then spent chasing around the bird which I didn't know the species of. I would've asked Aussie what it was, but he was too busy screaming at it to even hear me. Once around 35 minutes had passed running after the bird, I decided to take a break while Aussie continued to chase after it. Kiwi had long since given up and was now tiredly sprawled on the couch in the living room.

I opened the door to the parlor wider, making sure it moved slow enough to creak. This then made Maple aware that I was there, so he looked up from his book. The corners of his lips tugged upward into a smile as he motioned for me to come in, taking note of my exhausted appearance. I gratefully flopped down on an armchair, heaving out a sigh of relief.

"You seem awfully tired," Maple spoke warmly, instantly making me feel comforted. He always was really good at making people calm down, and a lot of kids during high school called him "therapist" rather than Canada.

My head nodded, taking up a shocking amount of energy. Not feeling like talking, I raised my hand and pointed at the scene just outside the door. Maple chuckled, looking back down at his book. "Yeah, I could kinda tell that was why."

I smiled, closing my eyes and sinking into the soft comfort of the chair. I felt like falling asleep then and there, even despite me still wearing my day clothes and all of Aussie's shouting. So I did. The last thing I felt before dozing off was a warm blanket being draped over me and the click of a door closing.


canada is best boy

also i feel like this chapter was way too short and moved too fast? idk

Words: 613

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