Chapter 5

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America's POV

Japan and I had continued on with a normal conversation, her still acting strange. I was a bit curious to say the least, and couldn't help but overthink why she was acting this way. Didn't I also act this way around her when I still had a crush on her?


'When I still had a crush on her'? What's that supposed to mean? Don't I still have a crush on her, or did my mind suddenly think 'oh crap this gal ain't it chief' and nope out on that whole thing? Did this have something to do with how she was acting? I think I heard from South Korea that she had studied psychology and whatnot, maybe she was trying to make me not like her! Yeah, keep that mindset, avoid the other...thoughts. Nothing to be worried about.

"Sooo..." Japan ended the awkward silence that had been made soon after I got focused on the whole thoughts thing. "Do you...feel any different? Like, any new thoughts about some people, stuff like that?" She spoke rather suspiciously as she played with a french fry, which soon was drowned in ketchup.

I thought. Sure, I felt a bit weird after biting into that burger, but I'm sure that it was just the chefs. After all, this is a McDonalds with employees who look like they're well past their youth. "Not really." I lied. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh! Haha, no reason, no reason at all." She laughed nervously and waved her hand up and down at me, as if she was shooing away any thought that said 'Oh hey, maybe this girl did something that I don't know about and perhaps I should ask her about it?' Which, of course, is totally irrelevant as I know that my best friend would never do anything to put me in harm's way.

I felt a shiver go down my spine as I felt someone staring at me once again. It was strange, knowing that nobody was looking at me as far as I knew and yet I felt it. Again, I cautiously looked behind me, then seeing nobody there. I breathed out a small sigh of relief, brushing it off as just some paranoia due to being in a sort of run down environment.

As I turned back to face Japan, I noticed her looking at me weirdly, so I rose an eyebrow at her. She tilted her head. "Why do you keep on looking behind you? Nothing's there other than dirty walls and plastic seats." She asked, straightening her head's position. "Nothing, just felt as if some creeper was staring at me."

She nodded, and mumbled 'aw man.' after a certain word I said. I snickered, finishing my food, which was similar in time to which she finished her's.

"Hey, hey, hey, I have an idea!" She bounced up out of her seat, resting her hands on the table. "Let's go to the play place! It's been so long, please please please!" She asked, then dropping to her knees and held her hands in a begging motion.

I looked at her questioningly, knowing that she knew I would've said yes even without the begging. "Sure." I replied, getting up. She let out a squeal of excitement and hurriedly grabbed onto my hand and 'pulling' me to the play place. She jumped into the ball pit, giggling and playing with the balls. I hopped in, not as energetically as Japan of course, but still happy. We threw balls at each other, rather strange looking to those who passed by, as we were college students playing in a place meant for kindergarteners.

I felt a ball thrown at me that wasn't from Japan. I looked to the direction that it had come from, seeing an adorable little country. She had an interesting pattern on the left side of her head, with most of the upper part being red and the lower part being green. She giggled, throwing more balls at us. A large country, bigger than Canada, hurried into the pit to have her stop. I looked back to Japan, both of us snickering at each other.

We got out of the pit, glancing back at the cute country and their from what we can assume guardian. She was now throwing some balls at the large guy, him trying to get her to stop. I couldn't help but let out a small "aww" and turn back to the direction I was walking. We exited the building, me in the driver's seat this time, and headed back to the college. 


i think we all know who the adorable little girl is

Word Count: 754

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