Chapter Two

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??? POV

America had finished his food and got changed leading him to now rush to his university in his vehicle. Damned traffic kept him stuck at a light, a supposed sale was going on at a nearby outlet mall. I'm as surprised as most are, reader, that class wasn't called off. Many countries were at the mall, back to school sales urging them closer and closer until they gave in and skipped the college day entirely.

He honked again before letting out a groan and leaning back into his seat. By now, he was sure he'd be late. Now it was time to start seriously considering just getting out of the car, flipping off the people in front of him and walking to college. A tap on his window pulled him out of his train of thought, then blinking a few times and turning his head to face the window. The person next to him had their window rolled down and threw what seemed like a pebble at his. They then pointed downwards, looking slightly pissed off. America obliged and rolled down his window. Oh, lovely! It was Vietnam.

"Excuse me, America, my friend behind you believes you cut them off?" She said with a fake grin.

"I don't believe I did," He replied, for once being honest and not recalling cutting someone off.

Her grin faltered slightly. "Well, you did, and now her car has a dent," Vietnam spoke. "So she asked if I could, y'know, tell you that you'll be paying for it." Vietnam's grin grew wider as if she was the cheshire cat or something, it was creepy. I don't know how she does it but she always manages to look creepy as hell, especially on the few rare occasions she doesn't bother to put on a fake expression.

"Excuse me?" He asked, slightly annoyed now. "I'm not paying for anything, so you can just tell her that she's delusional." America then rolled up the window, earning another pebble thrown at it with slightly more force than the last. He groaned and rolled down the window. "What now?"

"I'm sorry that you seem to believe you have the right to speak to women that way," She started. "But yes, you are paying for that. No matter what your friends in whatever la-la-land say you're doing."  

America bit back a rude comment to the whole 'right to speak to women that way' crap, and instead replied with something less aggressive. "May I see a picture of this damage? If not now, then soon." He was proud of this question at the very least, as he had looked in the rear view mirror briefly and knew what the car behind him looked like. They couldn't just get a random picture off the internet and send it to him instead.

"Fine, after classes," She said, with a slight undertone of hatred. Hardly noticeable, though. "But you're paying for it." Vietnam then rolled up her window, as did America, when the light conveniently just then flicked to green. The cars sped away in the direction of the outlet mall as only a few cars, America's included, drove to the college. Countries crowded the small front area, some not from the college, attempting to take shelter from the oncoming rain. He shoved his way through the herd of countries, then rushing down the hall, left, more down, left, right, down, and into his professor's class.

A few heads turned in America's direction when they heard the soft creak of the door. The professor lifted his head to look at America, groaned, and waved his hand in a dismissive manner. "Just sit down, I don't even care anymore."

America nodded and rushed to an empty seat next to his friend, Japan. Her tail flicked as her ear-to-ear smile then made it hardly possible for her to see. He waved slightly and smiled as a greeting, then pulling off his backpack and hanging it on his seat.

"Kon'nichiwa, America~Senpai!" She whisper-shouted to America. "You missed nothing, EU~Kun hasn't taught much. He hasn't even listened to my 50 page hentai essay!" Japan said with a small scoff as America then attempted to hold in laughter. Japan always knew how to brighten the mood, whether it be intentional or not.

"Hey, what class is next again? I forgot my schedule." America asked, somehow forgetting to whisper. Japan looked stunned as professor EU's head whipped to America and Japan.

"America," He breathed. "Detention." This caused a humorous shock to Japan, who had plans with America to hang out later on in the day. America looked to her. "We can move plans to tomorrow?" He asked.

Japan exhaled a sigh of relief. "Sure, sounds good America~Senpai." She then turned her head, focusing on the lesson yet again. America looked at her for a few seconds longer and turned to the lesson as well.


try to guess who was in the car behind America, im curious. also no, do not worry this is not an AmeriPan, the RusAme will be coming soon

Word Count: 801

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