Chapter One

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??? POV

It was a sunny evening. Birds sang to one another, children laughed joyfully, and we'd find America still laying in his bed, arm and leg draped down the side of it. He snoozed peacefully until another country disturbed his slumber.

Canada was the younger brother to America, despite their large height difference. He cared deeply for the striped country, although sometimes he did wish that his brother would suddenly change and become the total opposite of what he was currently. A sleeping, lovable and currently seemingly little country, yet he had to do what his mother had instructed him to do. Canada took a deep breath, walked over to America while being careful not to trip on any of the clothes still on the floor, leaned down to his ear, and shouted.

"WAKEY WAKEY!" Canada exclaimed. "EGGS AND BaaACLET GO OF ME" He screamed as America then hugged his leg tiredly.

"Nooo..." America groaned sleepily. "Let me sleep longer...sleep good..." He then rolled back onto his back, losing his grip on Canada. Canada was quick to then back away from America, being extremely germophobic as usual. "Get up, America, you're gonna be late for your afternoon classes!" Canada said.

The striped country groaned and heaved himself off the bed, tumbling sideways a tad. He made his way to his closet and set out his clothes before then heading downstairs for lunch.

"America, America!" New Zealand called, rushing over and holding a blue paper. "Looky!" He held up a paper with pale macaroni glued randomly on it, with some glitter glue here and there. "I made master peas!" He then gave it to America and grabbed his wrist, attempting to drag him to the table. His size and strength did not do much, but it was overall kinda cute. America gave in and let the kid have his moment of glory, dragging him to the dining table. Australia let out a fake surprised gasp at the sight of such a small child dragging a large country like America.

"Wowee, lookit you!" Australia spoke, grinning. "You're gettin' strong!" His eyes looked to New Zealand's grip on America. Aussie, as they called him, was a...let's call him a smart ass. Despite that, he truly cared for his siblings, no matter what they did. In fact, in multiple cases, he helped the brothers stick together in large fights. Ah, shoot, I'm getting off topic, aren't I? Well, let's continue.

New Zealand giggled and released America from his grasp, leaving the larger country to sigh in relief as the kid's grip had begun to hurt. America walked into the kitchen, rushing to Canada's side. He exhaled dreamily at the scent of the perfectly fluffy pancakes resting on the plate near him. This state of calm-ness would not last, though. "Can I do it? Please please please?" He begged Canada, the reason currently unknown to the other still sleepy country. "Do what?" Canada asked. "I don't mind you doing whatever you were planning on, but what?"

"THIS," America said just as he picked up the bottle of pancake batter and made a mickey-mouse-shaped pancake. Canada glared at it in disgust, not approving of any shape other than the classic circle. Yet, he had to oblige to his brother's adorable determined face. "It always tastes better when even just a little bit more effort is added into it."

"Is that your way of calling my cooking bad?" Canada chuckled. "You need to get 'batter' at insults, then." He turned his head to look at America just as a cloud of flour hit him.

"Puns are bad, and no, this is not my way of calling your cooking bad," He said. "If I wanted to insult you, you'd be curled up on the floor sobbing right now."

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Say what you wanna say," Canada replied with a cheeky grin. This only got him another cloud of flour to the face.


Finally done with the first official chapter, ack. Updates may take a while to come out, so please stay tuned!

Word Count: 644

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