Chapter Nine

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America's POV

I awoke due to the pain in my back. Groaning, I lifted my arms above my head, pushing them out and stretching them until I heard a pop. Satisfied with my significantly looser limbs, I let my arms drop to my sides, tiredly gazing around the room out of confusion. Where was I?

My eyes looked at the wall near where I was sleeping. In it was a bookshelf, carved permanently into the house and a painting hung next to it, not even slightly crooked. In front of me was a low rectangular center table, of course, vintage. Oh, right. I'm in the parlor, aren't I?

Yawning, I got up from the armchair I was resting in. My legs gave in slightly underneath me as I quickly stuck out my arms to balance myself. Judging by how dark it is, it must be at least 11:00 PM.

I cringed at the loud and slow creak the door made as I opened it, praying to whatever god there is that it didn't wake anyone up. I don't wanna face another one of Maple's scoldings on how "being up so late will make you get even shorter". I'm not even that short, just that everyone in my family other than me is oddly tall. Other than Kiwi and Australia, I'm the shortest at an average height.

I shook my head. Enough thinking about your height, just go to your room.

The cold air outside of the parlor caused me to shudder, immediately making me crave for my warm and comfortable bed. Groaning quietly, I continued down the lengthy hallway to a staircase. On the way I passed a few paintings of fruits, people, and whatnot along with a few doors, but I was too used to seeing them to find them impressive. I stepped onto the hardwood staircase, gripping onto the railing to have it serve as a guide of sorts.

This part of the house always seems calming, day or night. There's a large window at the center of the wall connected to the landing that seems to always have a mystical effect on whoever sees it. Usually I just lay on the staircase to think, and it serves somewhat therapeutic in a way. So I suppose I should start thinking over everything strange that happened, and of course the strangest part of today would have to be meeting those countries in the classroom. Russia and Belarus, was it?

I'd be a liar if I said that they weren't both fairly good looking. Even despite Belarus' young age, it's apparent she'll grow to be beautiful. Then there's Russia, who's just the epitome of masculine charm and could make a straight man gay with a flick of a wrist. Not that I would know, anyway.

I reached the top of the staircase, exhaling out of relief when I noticed I avoided every creaky spot out of habit. After this I need to go down another hallway, make a turn, and I should be faced with my door. Imagining a map of the upper floor in my head, I maneuvered about the place and eventually made it to my room.

The doorknob creaked quietly as it twisted and I pushed the door open. The sight of my bed had never before seemed so welcoming, and as a result I ended up shutting the door as quickly and quietly as possible then collapsing on the mattress. I may not have been very tired, and I probably left my phone downstairs, but I didn't care. Somehow I still managed to fall into the luring temptation of slumber.


yeh sorry this one took so long again, im trying to catch up on my to-watch list while also keeping up with school sOooo yeah

words: 605

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