Chapter Seven

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Belarus' POV

Big brother carried me to the boring black car and placed me in the backseat. I crossed my arms and huffed, sad that candy cane man couldn't come with us. I wanted a brother in law, and everyone in our family knew that when I wanted something, I more often than not received it. A click sound came from near my chest area as I was buckled into the car seat. He closed the door and hopped into the driver's seat right in front of me. Big brother didn't have the best idea of where I should sit for him to see me, so as pay back for bad seating, I began kicking the back of his seat, much to his bother.

He inhaled and exhaled deeply, then reversing out of the parking spot. I set my elbow on the door next to me and resting my head on my hand. I already miss the man of many names. He said his name was America, but I don't like that. It's too boring. It's not cute at all. Everything must be cute, or else it's bad like that wolf who ate the girl with a red hood. Wouldn't the grandma's skin be too dry and crinkly? Who would eat something that's not cute? I'll never understand that big bad wolfy.

After a very very long...uh...wait, how long was the drive here? I'll say a million kajillion years because it felt like that! Oh boy, I lost my train of thought. Brother parked the car in our driveway and got out of the vehicle, me then quickly struggling to unbuckle myself from the car seat. He opened the door and unbuckled it.

I shot straight up and ran into the house, after all, it was big sister Ukraine's turn to make supper! It hasn't been her turn for a week, and she always makes the bestest cutest amazingest food ever! Last time, she made really super duper creamy mac and cheese and also some fluffy mashed potatoes and gravy and cake and a few other yummy things! I'm too excited for this!

I stood on my tippy toes to open the door, and after a few failed attempted, it swung open, revealing a large and decorated interior. Each of the four countries living in this house made a decor thingy that went to the living room. We all had our own rooms, the size of which depending on the age of who was sleeping in it. Big brother had the largest, I had the smallest. I tilted my head up towards the ceiling and took in a deep sniff. From the kitchen, I could smell amazing pierogi and borscht and chicken kiev being cooked! Ah, I think I'm drooling!

My tiny feet pounded against the hard wood floors as I ran into the kitchen, giving my sister a big hug and making her spill a bit of the borscht.

"Oh! Bel! When did you get home?" She asked me, patting my head and putting down her food-making-thing-that-I-don't-know-the-name-of. I looked up at her and beamed a bright smile.

"Big brother just drove me home, he's still outside I think," I said, then nuzzling my face into her side. She stopped patting my head and took off her flower crown, then laying it gently onto my head. I took one hand and adjusted the flower crown to be straight on my head, then quickly returning to a full hug. "But we met a cool candy cane looking boy! I call him Mr. Stripey, and he's so nice, he smells like hot chocolate and he looks nice!" My head perked up with an idea, and I then gave Ukraine a puppy dog eyes look. She looked down at me, worried as to what I was going to ask for.

I blinked innocently. "Big sister, do you know what a brother in law is?" I asked. She raised a brow. "Yes, why do you want to know?" She answered. A grin appeared on my face. I quickly put on the most wholesomely innocent face I could muster and looked back up at her.

"Could you make candy cane man my brother in law?" I asked. Her face turned red as her words turned to complete gibberish. I couldn't understand a thing she was saying, when she finally took a deep breath and knelt down at my height. "Do you know what a brother in law is?" She questioned me, as I responded with a quick shake of my head, signaling a no. She let out a sigh of relief. "It's when a sibling marries someone, and then their brothers or sisters become related to the person that sibling married. Since it isn't by blood and instead by legal reasons, it's called a brother or sister in law."

I looked at the ground and let out an "ohhhhhh." I looked back up at my sister. "So can big brother marry candy cane man?"

"Who?" My big brother asked, having just entered the room. "Who's candy cane man, and I won't be marrying anyone anytime soon." He said, then picking me up. I giggled due to his lack of smarts, who else could be candy cane man? Knowing big brother, he would have guessed the man that sells candy canes and white powder across the street. "Who else would candy cane man be? That boy that we met in your class, silly brother!" I laughed. His face turned red.

"Bel, he's a classmate, and a boy, I'm straight-" He started stuttering, causing me to laugh more. Yeah, I have a very big feeling that those two were meant for each other!


i tried to use simple words for Belarus and it was painful

Word Count: 944

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