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I went through my entire sixth, seventh and eighth years of my life without the Wiggles.

However, in the summer of 2014, I turned nine.

And then I started having flashbacks of the Wiggles movie trailer.

I watched it again and seeing the Wiggles again made me curious. 

Watching it again, I remembered everything. However, I never knew the Wiggles' accents.

I wondered why they had funny accents so I looked it up and it said they were Aussie.

I wanted to share this new interest I had. But I knew that telling people about the Wiggles would result in them saying the words "That's for babies" like so many other shows I loved then.

So I kept the Wiggles a secret for as long as I could.

But then my mother walked in my room when I was watching the movie. 

I hid my computer from her but she had already saw me close it.

She asked me what I was watching.

When I told her it was the Wiggles, my mom laughed and said "That's for babies" just like I knew she would.

My father, on the other hand, was interested. 

By the time he saw the movie trailer, he was already making jokes when he saw things. He didn't mind how old I was at all.

Even if my mother just wanted me to "grow up", my dad and I wouldn't let her get the Wiggles out of my life.

I remember once she kept telling me I had no idea what I was doing.

She asked "Do you even know where the Wiggles live?"

I answered with "Wiggletown"

And then my dad said "No. The Wiggles World" because then we were watching the Wiggles TV series 2.

My mom had a lot to learn. When she first watched the Wiggles, she thought they were English.

Then my dad looked them up and said they were Australian.

That was basically how the Wiggles officially got their start.

How I Became a Wiggles FanWhere stories live. Discover now