Muzz Love

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During the time I spent watching the Wiggles, I developed a fondness and crush over Murray. 

I loved him so much!

Honestly, he was one of the few things that gave me flashbacks to the Wiggles' Movie trailer.

Whenever I heard the name Murray, the first person I thought of was the Wiggle.

I have to confess. The story request I made to @AmandaSchaefer709 was based on a dream that I had.

In the story, the four Wiggettes met the Wiggles in a book store and Ollie's grandmother doesn't trust them. 

And in the dream that I had when I was nine, I met Murray in a book shop and my grandmother didn't like him. 

Murray was the Wiggle that had most of my attention.

Before I started writing, I would act out my story ideas for myself.

So in most of my stories, he would appear the most.

The ones I remember the most are the Wiggles living near Max and Ruby from "Max and Ruby".

Max would spend most of his time with the Wiggles while Ruby would just be Ruby.

With the Wiggettes, each of them had a Wiggle partner.

Melanie and Greg, Rachael and Anthony, Jeff and Megan and Ollie and Murray.

Murray took Ollie because she was a character I came up with.

To be honest, I created Ollie to put myself into this Wiggly Wiggly World.

So Murray played the biggest role in my life out of all of the Wiggles.

He's my favorite Wiggle.

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