Warming Up (and Down)

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At eleven, I started to think back on the Wiggles.

I've been horseback riding since I was six.

So in February 2017, I fell off my horse and pulled a hamstring.

I was so afraid and so upset. 

The only thing that could calm me down was watching The Wiggles' Movie in the bathtub.

Then I actually started returning to my original roots with the Wiggles.

Then I went to South Beach Miami with my mom and her boss.

And while we were there, I would only watch the Wiggles and JESSIE.

When we got back, I didn't stop watching the Wiggles again, but I did take a break.

When that break was over, my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer.

She died right after Easter 2017. 

I missed her so much. I had no idea what to do. 

My mother was so upset about losing her mother that she grieved directly at me a couple of times.

Then in the summer of 2017, I turned twelve. 

That was when I once again, overall got rid of the Wiggles. 

And, like in fifth grade, without the Wiggles, I was completely nuts in seventh grade.

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