The Worst and Best Year

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Seventh grade was the worst year of my life.

Again, I went through the whole year without the Wiggles.

I was worthless. I was a selfish brat. I had braces. I was always in pain. 

In fact, I didn't even know what the heck I was.

And then in the summer of 2018, my therapist diagnosed me with Asperger's syndrome.

I was glad to know what was wrong with me, but knowing what I had made me hate myself even more.

I didn't like being different from everyone else.

However, I soon realized that having Asperger's syndrome made me an amazingly talented person.

Luckily I managed to find that out when I turned thirteen. 

In the summer of 2018, I watched the film "A Wrinkle in Time" for the first time.

Meg in the beginning of the film was basically me in seventh grade.

However, eighth grade was the best year of my life. I was Meg at the end of the film.

As for the Wiggles, they did play a role in eighth grade.

However, instead of being my kind of guys, they were rivals.

I was still trying to be who my mother wanted me to be. So instead of just enjoying the show, I would find it on YouTube and leave a terrible comment.

Those comments are deleted now, thank god, but that's what I'd do.

The best way I can describe the Wiggles coming in and out of my life as "an ex-boyfriend trying to get back together with his ex-girlfriend".

So now you probably see what the Wiggles' past with Sam Pan ties into, huh?

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