The Beatles

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When I was a freshman in high school, I became a massive fan of the Beatles.

I had always been a fan of the Beatles but not until my freshman year had I been listening to them nonstop.

Their songs taught me what love really meant. 

However, I still didn't really get it.

I'd spent so much of my life keeping my passions a secret and being afraid of people.

But then I had this diagnosis that was a big step forward but I still didn't understand myself.

The Beatles were always something that I loved, but then I thought about how much I love my grandmother.

She wasn't a big fan of the Beatles but she played a huge role in my childhood.

I realized then that the one thing that makes me me was something that was very close to me and my grandmother.

The only question was what was it?.

Then at one point in 2020, my dad told me to "never use the Wiggles and the Beatles in the same sentence".

Believe it or not, that was the thing that sparked the idea for my story "Twist and Wiggle".

But still I was trying so hard to use the Beatles as a replacement for the Wiggles. 

The Beatles are irreplaceable but they still didn't stop the Wiggles from creeping up on my thoughts.

I couldn't stand it anymore. I had to make a decision.

Did I want the Wiggles in my life or not?

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