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One other person that loved the Wiggles like I did was my grandmother.

Not only did she watch the movie trailer with me every time we watched Barney At the Zoo, but I showed her the show once.

We watched the "Funny Greg" episode together and she liked it.

At one point Murray says to Greg "How about you make a really big effort to at least smile".

My grandmother liked the way Murray said "smile" in that sentence and did it back. 

I knew my grandmother liked the Wiggles. 

I loved the Wiggles too, but the story doesn't end there.

When I turned ten, I knew it was time to get serious.

I went back to letting my mom decide what I can and can't like. 

So I boycotted the Wiggles from my life and went through all of fifth grade without them. 

Remember in all my stories, the Sam Pan character dated Murray, broke up with him, then dated him again?

Well, that actually ties into how I felt about the Wiggles. 

I loved them when I was nine, but then I overall tried to get rid of them so I could be a normal ten-year-old.

When Serena asked me if I was still watching the Wiggles I responded with "Ew! No!"

She asked me why and I said "Because I'm too old for them" 

In fifth grade, I didn't like myself very much. Maybe because I was pressuring myself too much.

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