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Soon after I became a Beatles fan, COVID hit.

I didn't know what to do.

I was always tired and I was so sick of being shut away.

And then in the summer of 2020, I turned 15.

I wanted to watch the Wiggles again.

I was thinking that maybe I should go back in time to them because they would probably help me forget about COVID. 

And then it stopped there for me because I didn't think anything could make me feel better about COVID. I didn't want to see the Wiggles again.

And keep in mind. My grandmother isn't with us anymore.

It was hard for me to make decisions like that.

The COVID outbreak had figuratively done me in. So I didn't know if I wanted to make myself feel better with something that was so close to us.

So I kept asking myself will I ever accept the Wiggles without my grandmother.

I watched the show again. And I found myself enjoying it.

Instead of getting angry when the Wiggles did something funny, I'd laugh with them.

When they interact with the audience, I answer them.

I realized then that the Wiggles were a part of me. 

When I saw their movie trailer for the first time, I thought to myself "these could be my people".

And I realize now that the Wiggles really are my kind of people.

How I Became a Wiggles FanWhere stories live. Discover now