Muzz Love Returns

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I may have gained my likability to the Wiggles.

But I was still unsure about having a crush on Murray.

Over the years, I had soft spots for him. Even when I was boycotting the Wiggles.

There were some points where my dad said "Sammy, I think you're falling back in love with Murray" to which I would always respond with "No no no! It's not like that".

Even in 2020 I was playing hard-to-get with him.

I did give in a few times but then I would try and keep my life under control.

And then I go on Murray's instagram in December 2020.

I heard him say the words "I'm going to hospital this afternoon" and I gave in entirely.

I was terrified the whole time he was in that operating room. That's why I wrote about it here on Wattpad.

So now I have completely succumbed to Murray's charms.

I even got his red shirt for Christmas even though it's messed up. 

It has my name under the Wiggles logo. It's not supposed to.

And it's not even a skivvy. It's a T-shirt.

But either way, I'm really glad I decided to go ahead and be the Wiggles fan I was trying so hard not to be.

It also made me realize that the Wiggles are my other half considering I've seen them since I was born. 

How I Became a Wiggles FanWhere stories live. Discover now